EP.62 十二生肖的意義/ The Meaning of The Twelve Zodiac Animals


城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)


Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,中國新快到了。(The Chinese New Year is coming soon.)你知道代表今年的生肖是哪一個動物嗎?(Do you know how this year is represented in the Chinese zodiac?)今年是龍年。(This year is the Year of the Dragon.)你知道十二生肖是哪十二種動物嗎?(Do you know what are the twelve animals?)你知道每一種動物代表什麼意義嗎?(Do you know what each animal represents?)
十二生肖分別是鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗、豬。(The twelve zodiac animals are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.)每兩種動物是一個互補的組合,每個組合都有一個特別的意義。(Pairs of animals are complementary, and each combination has a special meaning.)
第一組是鼠和牛。(The first pair is the Rat and the Ox.)
我是老鼠,我很聰明。(I am a rat, I am smart.)我是牛,我很勤勞。(I am an ox, I am diligent.)如果你只有聰明的頭腦,可是不勤勞,那麼就只是「耍小聰明」,什麼大事也做不了。(If you only have a smart brain but are not diligent, then you are just "playing smart" and can't accomplish anything big.)如果你光勤勞卻不動動你的頭腦,那麼一定事倍功半,沒有效率。(If you are diligent but don't use your brain, you will get half the result with twice the effort and be inefficient.)
小朋友,想要達到目標,你不但要勤勞,還要動動你的頭腦喔。(Kids, if you want to achieve your goals, you not only have to be diligent, but you also have to use your brain.)
第二組是虎和兔。(The second pair is the Tiger and the Rabbit.)
我是老虎,我很勇敢。(I am a tiger, I am brave.)我是兔子,我很謹慎。(I am a rabbit, I am cautious.)如果你很勇敢,可是卻不謹慎,那麼就是魯莽,魯莽的人容易犯錯。(If you are brave but not cautious, then you are reckless. Reckless people are prone to making mistakes.)可是如果你太謹慎,什麼事都不敢放手去做,那麼就是膽小。(But if you are too cautious and dare not do anything, then you are timid.)
小朋友,你一定要又勇敢又謹慎,膽大心細,才能創新喔。(Kids, you must be brave and cautious, fearless and careful in order to innovate.)
第三組是龍和蛇。(The third pair is the Dragon and the Snake.)
我是一條龍,我很剛強。(I am a dragon, I am strong.)我是一條蛇,我很柔軟。(I am a snake, I am soft.)如果太剛強就容易被折斷;就好像在颱風當中,樹容易被吹倒,可是小草卻不會,因為小草特別柔軟。(If something is too unyielding, it will be easily broken; just like in a typhoon, a tree will be easily blown down, but the grass will not, because the grass is very soft.)但是,太柔軟的人沒有主見,就容易被別人牽著鼻子走。(However, people who are too soft have no independent opinions and are easily led by others.)
小朋友,可見,我們做人要剛柔並濟,才不會太固執或太軟弱喔。(Kids, so we can see that we need to be both strong and soft in life, so as not to be too stubborn or too weak.)
第四組是馬和羊。(The fourth pair is the Horse and the Sheep.)
我是馬,我總是往前衝。(I am a horse, I always rush forward.)我是羊,我總是合群。(I am a sheep, I always cooperate with others.)如果一個人只顧著往前衝而不顧旁人的感受,那一定會跟人發生衝突。(If a person only cares about moving forward and ignores the feelings of others, he will surely conflict with others.)但是如果只顧著配合他人,那就會失去自己的目標和方向。(But if you only focus on cooperating with others, you will lose your own goals and direction.)
小朋友,所以我們勇敢往前衝的同時,也要適時地停下來關心別人的需要。(Kids, so while we rush forward bravely, we must also stop and care about the needs of others at the right time.)要不然即使你達成了夢想,卻失去了家人、朋友,那麼你會快樂嗎?(Otherwise, even if you achieve your dream, but lose your family and friends, will you be happy?)
第五組是猴和雞。(The fifth pair is the Monkey and the Rooster.)
我是猴子,我很靈活。(I am a monkey, I am flexible.)我是雞,我很穩定。(I am a rooster, I am stable.)如果一個人能夠又靈活又穩定,那麼不但能夠隨機應變,(If a person can be flexible and stable, he will not only be able to adapt to changes,)還能持之以恆喔。(but also persevere.)
小朋友,不管做什麼事,一定要有恆心,並且根據情況修改你的方法,這樣才會成功喔。(Kids, no matter what you do, you must have perseverance and modify your methods according to the situation, so that you will succeed.)
第六組是狗和豬。(The sixth pair is the Dog and the Pig.)
我是狗,我很忠誠。(I am a dog, I am loyal.)我是豬,我很隨和。(I am a pig, I am easy-going.)如果一個人能夠又忠誠又隨和,那麼就不但能交到知心的好朋友,(If a person can be loyal and easy-going, he will not only make close friends,)也能多認識新朋友喔。(but also make more new friends.)
小朋友,人際關係是很重要的,你需要能和你談心的親密朋友,也需要能幫助你開開眼界的新朋友。(Kids, interpersonal relationships are very important. You need close friends who can talk to you, and you also need new friends who can help you broaden your horizons.)朋友能幫助你在人生的路上不寂寞喔。(Friends can help you to not be lonely on the road of life.)
現在,你知道為什麼華人選擇這十二種動物了吧!(Now you know why the Chinese chose these twelve animals!)你覺得有道理嗎?(Do you think it makes sense?)如果有不懂的部分,記得要問問師長喔!(If there is anything you don’t understand, remember to ask your teachers and parents!)
“What is your Chinese zodiac animal?”
“What is your Chinese zodiac animal?”
If you want to know more English and knowledge about the twelve zodiac animals, please listen to episode 28!
Wish you a happy Chinese New Year! Good luck in the Year of the Dragon!
我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!)
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EP.62 十二生肖的意義/ The Meaning of The Twelve Zodiac Animals

EP.62 十二生肖的意義/ The Meaning of The Twelve Zodiac Animals
