EP.61日文繪本《有你多麼幸福》/ A Japanese Picture Book “Having you around makes me so happy”


城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888
----以上訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)

Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,今天Bear老師想給你們介紹一本日文繪本《きみにありがとうのおくりもの》,意思是「送給你一份感謝的禮物」。(Today I would like to introduce to you a Japanese picture book《きみにありがとうのおくりもの》. The Japanese title means “give you a gift of gratitude”.)不過,臺灣的出版社給這本繪本取了一個新的中文名字「有你多麼幸福」。(However, the Taiwanese publisher gave it a new Chinese name – “Having you around makes me so happy”.)因為Bear老師的日文還不夠好,所以Bear老師讀的是中文譯本,然後,Bear老師再把這個故事翻譯成英文給你們聽。(My Japanese is not good enough, so I will read the Chinese translation, and then translate the story into English for you.)現在,我們來聽聽這個故事嘍!(Now, let’s hear the story!)
日文繪本《有你多麼幸福》/ a Japanese picture book “Having you around makes me so happy”
作者:宮野聰子 / Author:みやのさとこ
中文翻譯:游珮芸 / Chinese translator You Pei-yun
In the corner of the forest is a big cave, where two dear friends, big bear and little squirrel, live together.
Every morning when little squirrel gets up, he starts cleaning, washing clothes, and making breakfast.
Big bear gets out of bed slowly, stretches, and takes a walk in the garden, where he waters the vegetables and flowers.
Little squirrel likes the big slow bear so much, and big bear also likes the energetic little squirrel very much.
One day, as the little squirrel was watching the big bear, and thought to himself: it’s because of big bear’s care that we have so many beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables in the garden.
The big bear also looked at the squirrel, and thought: because of little squirrel’s careful cleaning, the house has sheets that smell of sunshine and soft fluffy towels.
One warm afternoon, the two good friends went out for a walk together.
"Big Bear, I found a lot of those mushrooms you like!"
“Over here there are also a lot of little squirrel’s favourite strawberries!”
Little squirrel picked mushrooms while thinking about big bear. "I wonder if big bear will be very happy?"
Big bear also picked strawberries while thinking about little squirrel. "Little squirrel will definitely be very happy!"
After picking mushrooms and strawberries, they went to the river to wash.
"The water is so cold!" said the little squirrel.
"Are you alright? – let's go to sunbathe on the grass," Big Bear said.
"Wow! Big bear's belly is so warm!"
“How’s that? You feel warmer now?”
“Oh, it’s so warm. Thank you.”
To thank the big bear, little squirrel made a flower crown and gave it to him.
“Haha, it tickles”
“Does it look good? Do you like it?”
“Oh, I like it very much, thank you”
When they got home, they prepared dinner together.
Today’s meal is mushroom omelette, and bread with strawberry jam.
During dinner, big bear said to little squirrel, "Thank you for everything you have done for me, little squirrel."
Surprised, little squirrel asked, "What's wrong? Why did you say that?"
「我一直在想,乾淨的房間、有太陽味道的床單、好吃的早餐,還有花冠……全都讓我覺得好幸福喔!("I keep thinking that the clean room, the sheets that smell like the sun, the delicious breakfast, and the flower crowns… it all makes me feel so content!)『謝謝』一定是在感到幸福的時候才會說的話吧!("Thank you" must be the thing people want to say only when they feel content.”)」
聽到大熊這麼說,小松鼠也說(Hearing big bear say this, the little squirrel replied:):「我也一樣!(Me too!)因為有大熊,庭院裡才會有美麗的花朵和好吃的青菜;(Because of big bear, there are beautiful flowers and delicious vegetables in the garden;)餐桌上才會有整齊的碗盤和杯子。(there are neat bowls, plates and cups on the table.)而且你還溫暖了我的手!(And you keep my hands warm!)我很喜歡你為我做的一切,謝謝你為我做的所有事!(I love all the things you do for me, thank you for everything!)」
It’s time to sleep.
小松鼠一邊打哈欠,一邊說:(The little squirrel yawned and said,)「哇!像這樣跟你一起睡覺,是我最幸福的時候唷!(Wow! Sleeping with you like this is the happiest time for me!)大熊,今天也是,謝謝你所做的一切。(Big Bear, today I feel the same, thank you for everything you did.)晚安…(Good night…)」
小松鼠睡著了,發出呼嚕呼嚕的鼻息聲。大熊輕聲的說:(The little squirrel fell asleep and snored. Big
Bear said softly:)「晚安。(Good night.)看著你睡著的臉龐,是我最幸福時候。(To see your face while you
sleep is the happiest time for me.)謝謝你,一直在我身邊。(Thank you for always being by my side.)」
So that night, big bear and little squirrel fell asleep full of contentment.
小朋友,你覺得幸福嗎?(Do you feel happy?)如果覺得幸福,你想感謝誰呢?(If you feel happy, who
would you like to thank?)如果不幸福,你覺得應該怎麼辦呢?(If you are not happy, what do you think you should do?)Bear老師建議你,記錄下每天完成的事,並且想一想是誰幫你完成的。(I suggest you can record what you achieved every day and think about who helped you achieve it.)比如說,你平安
地抵達了學校,你可以感謝路上指揮交通的警察;(For example, if you arrive at school safely, you can
thank the police who directed traffic on the road;)你吃完了午飯,感謝為你準備食物的廚師;(after you
finish lunch, thank the chef who prepared the food for you;)洗完了澡,感謝父母為你準備了溫暖的水。
(after you take a shower, thank your parents for providing warm water for you.)Bear老師知道,世界並不
公平,總有讓你羨慕的人。(I know that the world is not fair and there are always people you might envy.)
但是Bear老師知道幸福的秘訣就是:珍惜你所擁有的。(But I know that the secret to happiness is: cherish
what you have.)
“Thank you for everything you have done for me.”
“Thank you for everything you have done for me.”
This new year, I also appreciate your company. Wish you happiness!
我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!)
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EP.61日文繪本《有你多麼幸福》/ A Japanese Picture Book “Having you around makes me so happy”

EP.61日文繪本《有你多麼幸福》/ A Japanese Picture Book “Having you around makes me so happy”
