EP.60 最棒的禮物/The Greatest Gift (Bear老師原創故事#14)


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)


Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,聖誕節剛過,你收到了什麼禮物呢?(Christmas is just over, what gift did you receive?)你喜歡你的禮物嗎?(Do you like your gift?)有的禮物,雖然不貴重,但卻是無價的,你收過這樣的禮物嗎?(There are some gifts which are not expensive, but are priceless. Have you ever received such a gift?)讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友收到了什麼禮物。(Let's hear what gifts other children received.)
Amy:聖誕節你們收到了什麼禮物?(What gifts did you get for Christmas?)我收到了一件我很喜歡的毛衣。(I got a sweater that I like very much.)
Robin:我收到了一輛腳踏車。(I got a bicycle.)
Emma:哇!聖誕老公公對你好大方,我只收到了一雙手套。(Wow! Santa Claus is so generous to you, I only got a pair of gloves.)
Robin:是我爸媽送的。(It was a gift from my parents.) 你不會真的相信有聖誕老公公吧? (You don’t really believe there’s a Santa Claus, do you?)
Emma:我寧願相信有。(I would rather believe there is.)
Amy:欸,Jasper呢?(Hey, where is Jasper?)
Emma:我剛剛碰到他,他看起來好像不太開心。(I just ran into him and he didn't look happy.)
Robin:對啊,這幾天大家都在談收到了什麼聖誕禮物,可是他好像什麼都沒收到。(Right, everyone has been talking about what gifts they got for Christmas, but it seems he didn’t get anything.)
Amy:新冠疫情的時候,他爸爸開的餐廳收起來了,所以這幾年他家的情況不太好。(During the COVID-19 epidemic, his father’s restaurant was closed down, so his family’s situation has not been very good the last few years.)好像去年他也沒收到禮物。(It seems like he didn't receive a gift last year either.)
!(Let’s pretend to be Santa Claus and give him a gift!)
Robin:可是聖誕節已經過了。(But Christmas is already over.)
Amy:沒關係,我來想辦法。(It doesn't matter, I'll figure it out.) 啊!我家到了。我晚上再打電話告訴你們。(Ah! This is my house already. I'll call you this evening to tell you.)
Robin、Emma:嗯!我們晚上談談。(Let's talk this evening then.)

Amy:Jasper,最近怎麼樣?(How are you lately? )
Jasper:你們相信嗎?昨天聖誕老公公在我的抽屜裡留了一個禮物和一張卡片。(Well, can you believe this? Yesterday Santa Claus left a gift and a card in my drawer.)卡片上他跟我道歉。(In the card, he apologized to me.)他說聖誕夜那晚,他送禮物送著送著,忽然肚子痛,所以只好先回家了。因此今天才送禮物給我。(He said that on Christmas Eve, while delivering gifts, he suddenly had a stomachache and had to go home first. So he just gave me my gift today.)
Robin:哇!真的嗎?聖誕老公公真的很在乎你。 (Wow! Really? Santa Claus really cares about you.)
Emma:是啊!他還特地送禮物來學校給你。(Yes! He specially brought the gift to school for you.)
Jasper:我真的很感動。(I’m really touched.)他知道我在努力學英文,所以送給我一本英文文法書。我很喜歡。(He knew that I’m learning English very seriously, so he gave me an English grammar book. I like it so much.)
Amy:我很開心你喜歡這個禮物。(I'm glad you like this gift.)
Emma:我們本來很擔心你會因為今年沒收到禮物而失望,現在放心了。(We were worried that you’d be disappointed not to receive a gift this year, but now we’re relieved.)
Jasper:其實,你們一點都不必擔心。(Well, you really don’t need to worry.)
Jasper:因為我已經擁有最棒的禮物了。(Because I already have the greatest gift.)
Amy:那是什麼?(What’s that?)
Jasper:就是你們啊!(It’s you guys!)

小朋友,對你來說,最棒的禮物是什麼呢?(What is the greatest gift for you?)希望你也能擁有最棒的禮物。(I hope you also have the greatest gift.)
“I got you something. I hope you like it.”

“I got you something. I hope you like it.”
小朋友,不管你今年有沒有收到聖誕禮物,不管你今年過得如何,都希望你擁有一個嶄新的一年。(Whether you received a Christmas gift this year or not, no matter how your year went, I hope you have a super new year.)
祝你2024年新年快樂! (Happy New Year 2024!)
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.60 最棒的禮物/The Greatest Gift (Bear老師原創故事#14)

EP.60 最棒的禮物/The Greatest Gift (Bear老師原創故事#14)
