EP.6 成語「畫蛇添足」/A Chinese idiom “huà shé tiān zú”(成語#1)



Hello, this is teacher Bear.我是Bear老師。

小朋友,你已經聽過Bear老師的故事了嗎?你喜歡那些故事嗎?英文聽不懂怎麼辦呢?別擔心,學新的語言本來就需要時間與耐心。(It takes time and you need patience.)多聽幾次,有一天,你一定自然就懂了。請你試試看,好不好?(Please try it, ok?)

Today we are going to learn an idiom “huà shé tiān zú”.

有一個有錢人給三個窮人一瓶好酒,(A rich person gave a good bottle of wine to three poor people,)可是那瓶酒非常少。(but the bottle of wine was only very small.)如果三個人都想喝,那麼每個人都只能喝到一點點。(If they all had to share, each person would only get a little bit.)一點點 (a little bit),唉呀~那真不過癮,(Not satisfied)怎麼辦呢?(So what should they do?)於是,他們決定比賽畫一條蛇,(They decided to compete to draw a snake.)贏的人就可以得到這瓶酒。(The winner would get the bottle of wine.)

比賽開始了,(The contest started,)有一個人很快就畫好。(one person finished very quickly.)他看另外兩個人都還沒畫好,(He saw that the other two people hadn't finished painting,)就開心地拿起酒喝了起來。(he happily picked up the wine and started to drink.)他一邊喝,一邊說:「你們兩個這麼慢,(You two are so slow,)我還能再給蛇畫上幾隻腳呢。( I can draw some feet on my snake.)」於是,他真的給蛇畫起腳來了。(So, he really drew feet on the snake.)

才畫了兩隻腳,(When he had drawn two feet,)第二個畫好的人就把酒搶了過去,(the second person finished drawing and grabbed the wine.)他說:「蛇沒有腳,你畫的不是蛇。(Snakes don’t have feet, you are not drawing a snake.)所以,我贏了!(So, I won!)」那個人說完以後,就一口氣把酒喝光了。(He drank all of the wine.)他把酒喝光了。

小朋友,你是不是覺得幫蛇畫腳,根本不需要呢?(It’s not necessary. )第一個人幫蛇畫上腳,不但沒幫助,反而輸了比賽。(lost the contest)因此,在生活中,如果你做了一件不需要的事反而讓原本已經很好的情況變糟了,你都可以用「畫蛇添足」來形容喔。

比如說,媽媽買了滷肉飯(Braised pork on rice),姊姊覺得再加一點醬油(soy sauce)一定更好吃。沒想到,姊姊加了醬油以後,卻變得太鹹(too salty),不好吃了。這樣的情況,就是「畫蛇添足」。

你知道怎麼用英文說「畫蛇添足」嗎?(Do you know how to say “畫蛇添足” in English?)英國人的說法是在百合花上塗顏色(To paint the lily.)大部分的百合花(lily)都是白色的,白色的百合花多麼美啊!(How beautiful it is!)我們何必再幫百合花塗上顏色呢?幫百合花塗上顏色(To paint the lily.)就是「畫蛇添足」,根本不需要,對不對?(It’s not necessary at all, right?)

Don’t paint the lily.

Don’t paint the lily.

If you have a chance to see a foreigner who wants to learn Chinese idioms, try explaining it to him in English! Okay? You can do it!

See you next time.
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EP.6 成語「畫蛇添足」/A Chinese idiom “huà shé tiān zú”(成語#1)

EP.6 成語「畫蛇添足」/A Chinese idiom “huà shé tiān zú”(成語#1)
