EP.59 戰火下的聖誕老公公/ Santa Claus under the fire of war (Bear老師原創故事 #13)



(1) 由於涉及戰爭這個殘酷的議題,期盼父母能與孩子一同聆聽,在必要時為其解釋、給予安慰。
(2) 戰爭雙方的百姓都是無辜的,本創作無意控訴任何一方,因此選擇了阿拉伯世界與西方世界的兩個名字Amal 與Olivia作為主角,分別意寓「希望」與「和平」,期盼兩個不同的世界能走向希望與和平。

𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)


Hello, This is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,聖誕節又快到了,你打算怎麼慶祝呢?(Christmas is coming soon, how will you celebrate?)你期待聖誕老公公會送來什麼禮物呢?(What gifts do you hope Santa Claus will bring?)你覺得世界上的小朋友都有機會收到禮物嗎?(Do you think all children everywhere have the chance to receive gifts?)讓我們來聽聽Amal和Olivia這兩位小朋友的故事。(Let's listen to the story of two children, Amal and Olivia.)

Olivia:Amal,這麼晚了,你怎不在床上睡覺?(It’s so late, why don't you go to bed and sleep?)坐在窗邊做什麼?(What are you doing sitting by the window?)
Amal:Olivia,你怎麼來了?(Why did you get here?) 我坐在這裡,因為我睡不著。(I am sitting here because I can’t sleep.)
Olivia:我也睡不著,那邊又在轟炸了,我怕等一下會炸過來這裡。(I can't sleep either, they are bombing over there again, and I’m afraid they will bomb over here later.)
Amal:別怕。(Don't be afraid.)就像院長教我們的一樣,把爆炸聲想成音樂。(It’s just like the Director taught us - think of explosions as music.)
Olivia:太難了。(It’s too difficult.)
Amal:試試看啊,不試你怎麼知道。(Just try. If you don’t try how can you know?)
Olivia:好吧~~(All right~)
Amal:你覺得這次像誰的音樂?(Whose music are you thinking of this time?)
Olivia:蕭邦,幻想即興(Chopin,Fantasie Impromptu)。
Amal:哪裡像?(Why is it like that?)
Olivia:哪裡不像?(Why not like that?)
Amal:好吧。欸,又來了又來了,你聽。(OK … well, here it comes again, listen …)
Amal:你覺得這次像誰的音樂?(You think it’s like whose music this time?)
Olivia:貝多芬,命運交響曲(Beethoven,Symphony No. 5)。
Amal:對,我也覺得像。(Yes, I think so too!)啊!又來了又來了,這個很近。(Here it comes again … this one was close.)
Amal:這次呢?(So, this time?)
Amal:你是不是覺得像新世界交響曲?(Like「The New World Symphony」?)?
Olivia:對,就像新世界。(Yes, like「The New World」.)
Amal:咦,你聽到了嗎?(Hey, can you hear that?)外面好像有人在哭。(Sounds like someone crying outside.)
Olivia:這麼晚了,會是誰呢?(It’s so late – who could it be?)
Amal:走!出去看看。(Let’s go out and have a look.)
Olivia:不行啊!很晚了,外面好冷。(No, it’s so late, and cold outside!)Amal………好吧!欸!等我! (…OK, wait for me!)
Olivia:咦,那不是聖誕老公公嗎?(Hey … isn’t it Santa Claus?)旁邊還有麋鹿。(He has reindeer there.)
Amal:我聽說聖誕老公公只照顧一些小朋友,沒想到他會來找我們。(I heard that Santa Claus only takes care of some children, I didn’t expect that he’d come to us.)
Olivia:才不是,聖誕老公公照顧全世界的小朋友。(No, Santa Claus takes care of children everywhere.)
Amal:他為什麼坐在地上?(Why is he sitting on the ground?)臉好髒,衣服也破了。(His face is dirty and his clothes are torn.)
Oliva:走,過去問他。(Let’s go over and ask him.)
Amal:你是聖誕老公公嗎?(Are you Santa Claus?)
Santa:是的,我是!(Yes, yes I am!)
Olivia:真的是你!(You’re really him!)
Amal:你為什哭得這麼傷心?你怎麼了?(Why are you crying like that? What happened?)
Santa:我給你們孤兒院帶了好多禮物,(I brought a lot of gifts to your orphanage,)可是,剛剛一顆飛彈擊中我的雪橇,現在禮物全沒有了!我拿什麼送給你們?(but a missile just hit my sleigh and now all the gifts are gone! What can I give you?)
Olivia:喔,謝謝你!可是真的沒關係。(Oh .. thank you! But it really doesn’t matter.)你受傷了嗎?(Are you hurt?)
Santa:幸好我跟麋鹿都沒事。(Luckily, I and my reindeer are all fine.)可是,沒有禮物了,怎麼辦?(But if there are no gifts, what should I do?)
Amal:你來看我們,就是最好的禮物。(You came to see us. That’s the best gift.)
Olivia:是啊!我以為全世界都忘記我們了。(That’s right! I thought the whole world had forgotten about us.)
Santa:喔!不不不,我沒忘記你們。(Oh! No, no – I haven’t forgotten you.)
Amal:謝謝你,我會告訴其他小朋友的。(Thank you! I will tell the other children.)
Santa:請告訴大家,我明年一定會再來,請等我。(Please tell everyone that you can expect me to visit next year – please wait for me.)
Olivia:可是…我不確定明年我們還活著。(But … I’m not sure we’ll be alive next year.)
Santa:喔!我可憐的孩子。真的對不起,真的對不起。(Oh! My poor kids. I’m really so very sorry.)
Amal:Olivia,你不要亂說,你害聖誕老公公更傷心了。(Olivia, don’t talk like that. You made Santa even more sad.)
Olivia:沒事,沒事,我亂說的,真的亂說的。(It’s fine, it’s fine – I really didn’t mean that.)
Amal:警報聲響了,一定是炸過來這裡了。院長一定會急著找我們去地下室躲藏。(That’s the alarm sounding –the bombing is definitely coming this way now. The Director will be looking for us to go hide in the basement.)我們得走了。(We have to go.)
Olivia:對,要是院長找不到我們,她會很擔心的。(Right – the Director will be very worried if she can’t find us.)你要不要跟我們一起去躲在地下室裡?(Do you want to come with us to shelter in the basement?)
Santa:不行,我得快走了。(I can’t – I have to go.)
Amal:那你一定要小心。(Then you really must be careful.)
Santa:我會的,放心,麋鹿會帶我回去。(I will! Don’t worry, the reindeer will bring me back.)記得,要懷抱希望。等我,我一定會再來的。(Remember, have hope, and wait for me – I’ll definitely come back.)
Amal、Olivia:嗯,我們答應你。(We promise!)
Santa:快進去吧!(Quick, go inside!)聖誕節快樂!(Merry Christmas!)
Amal、Olivia:聖誕節快樂!(Merry Christmas!)再見!(Goodbye!)
Santa:再見(See you)!等我!(Wait for me!)
Olivia:我們能嗎?(Can we?)
Amal:我不知道,可是我們會努力試試看,對吧?(I don’t know, but we will try hard, right?)
Olivia:嗯,我們會的。(Yes, we will.)
小朋友,如果今年聖誕老公公沒給你禮物,可能是因為他沒時間修好他的雪橇,請不要失望。(If Santa Claus doesn’t bring a gift this year, maybe it’s because he didn’t have time to repair his sleigh; please don’t be disappointed.) 還有,在我們慶祝聖誕節的同時,有很多小朋友正活在戰火中,隨時都有可能喪命。(And remember that while we’re celebrating Christmas, there are children who are living through war, with their lives at risk.)因此,希望你也能為他們祈禱,祝他們平安、幸福。(So I hope you can pray for them and wish them peace and happiness.)
“God bless you.”

“God bless you.”
小朋友,平安幸福的生活,不是理所當然的。(A safe and happy life is not something you can take for granted.)請珍惜你所擁有的一切,好好地發展自己的能力,並且善待他人。(Please cherish everything you have, develop your abilities well, and be kind to others.)
祝你聖誕快樂!(Merry Christmas!)
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.59 戰火下的聖誕老公公/ Santa Claus under the fire of war (Bear老師原創故事 #13)

EP.59 戰火下的聖誕老公公/ Santa Claus under the fire of war (Bear老師原創故事 #13)
