EP.58 英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》(下)/An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”(Part 2/2)


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)

Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,在上一集當中,阿鼠、松鼠和貓頭鷹為了帶小獾回家,深入了森林裡(In the last episode, Mouse, Squirrel and Owl walked deep into the forest to take little Badger home.)。天快黑了,他們能不能成功地找到獾媽媽呢?(It’s getting dark – will they succeed in finding Mummy Badger?)讓我們繼續聽下去。(Let's keep listening.)
An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”/英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》
Story by Steve Smallman /作者:史蒂夫‧史莫曼
Illustrated by Caroline Pedler/插畫家:卡洛琳‧佩德勒
On they trudged through the darkening forest. Little Badger yawned.
Squirrel(松鼠):“She’s tired!(她累了!)” Squirrel said, as shadows stretched across their path.(松鼠說話的同時,他們拉長的身影映在了路上。)
Owl(貓頭鷹):“Well, it’s way past her bedtime.(嗯,已經過小獾睡覺的時間了。)”
Mouse (阿鼠): “I know! She’s tired, and hungry, and scared, and she needs her mum, and it’s getting dark, and……I don’t know what to do!(我知道!她又累、又餓、又害怕,她需要媽媽,而且天快黑了,而且……我不知道該怎麼辦!)”
Squirrel (松鼠): “There, there.( 秀秀,秀秀。)”
Owl spread her wings, “I know what you need.” (貓頭鷹張開翅膀說:「我知道你需要什麼。」)
Little Badger cheered(小獾歡呼著說):“Hug!(抱抱!)”
Mouse felt funny. Being a bit of a grumpy mouse, he didn’t get very many cuddles.
Suddenly, there was flash of grey in the bushes.
(突然,有什麼灰色的東西從灌木叢中閃了過去。 )
Little Badger (小獾):“Mummy?(媽媽?)”
But it wasn’t Mummy Badger, It was…..a wolf! He swaggered over, licking his lips.
The wolf(狼): “Look what we have here!(看看這裡有什麼!) A squirrel for starters(松鼠當前菜), a badger and an owl for the main course,(主菜是獾和貓頭鷹,), and a mouse for pudding!(飯後甜點是老鼠!)”
Mouse(阿鼠):“I am not a pudding! (我才不是飯後甜點!)And you can’t eat my friends!(還有你不能吃我的朋友!)”
The wolf(狼):“Says who?(誰說的?)”
Mouse(老鼠): “Me!(我!)”
Squirrel(松鼠): “And me!(還有我!)”
Owl(貓頭鷹: “And me!(還有我!)”
“And me!(還有我!)” shouted Mummy Badger.(獾媽媽喊。)
The wolf took one look at her angry eyes and scarpered.(狼一看獾媽媽憤怒的眼神,就驚慌地跑走了。) Mummy Badger hugged Little Badger tight.(獾媽媽緊緊地抱住了小獾。)
Mummy Badger (獾媽媽):“Thank you all for bring her home!(謝謝你們大家帶她回家!)”
Squirrel(松鼠):“It was Mouse’s idea.(是阿鼠的主意。) ”
Mummy Badger(獾媽媽):“Well, thank you, Mr. ── wait a minute, Aren’t you the grumpy mouse who lives in the oak tree?(嗯,謝謝你,這位先生您……等一下,你不是那隻住在橡樹裡的脾氣很暴躁的老鼠嗎?)”
Mouse (阿鼠):“For the last time, I am not grumpy……at least, not anymore!(最後一次,我的脾氣不暴躁……至少……以後不暴躁了。)”
And for the first time in a long time, Mouse smiled.(阿鼠笑了,他好久沒笑了。) “Because now I have friends,(因為現在我有朋友了,) and friends, well, that’s just what I need!(而朋友們,正是我需要的!)”
小朋友,現在你是不是放心了呢?(Do you feel reassured now?)你覺得阿鼠是一個好朋友嗎?(Do you think Mouse is a good friend?)你願意接受一個脾氣暴躁的朋友嗎?(Could you accept a grumpy friend?)如果朋友的脾氣暴躁,你要怎麼幫助他呢?(If your friend is grumpy, what can you do to help?)你覺得松鼠跟貓頭鷹的貼心,對阿鼠有幫助嗎?(When Owl and Squirrel were kind to Mouse, do you think it helped?)
而你,是一個脾氣暴躁的人嗎?(And how about you? Are you a grumpy sort of person?)脾氣暴躁的時候,可能對別人造成傷害,讓朋友離你更遠。(When you’re in a bad mood, you might hurt others and drive your friends away.)因此,一定要想辦法找出脾氣暴躁的原因,並且改正,這樣才不會讓身邊的人感到不舒服喔。(In that case you need to find the reason why you’re grumpy, and fix it, so your companions can feel comfortable around you.)
“I lost my temper, I was wrong.”
“I lost my temper, I was wrong.”
小朋友,希望你不但能控制好脾氣,也能幫助脾氣暴躁的朋友。(I hope you can control your temper, and also help your grumpy friends.)
我們下次見嘍!(See you next time!)
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EP.58 英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》(下)/An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”(Part 2/2)

EP.58 英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》(下)/An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”(Part 2/2)
