EP.57 英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》(上)/An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”(Part 1/2)



𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)

Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,你是脾氣暴躁的人嗎(Are you a grump)?你覺得脾氣暴躁的人一定就是壞人嗎(Do you think a grump must be a bad person)?你願意跟脾氣暴躁的人當朋友嗎(Would you like to be friends with a grump)?今天Bear老師要給你介紹一本英文繪本(Today, I’m going to introduce you an English picture book),故事裡的主角阿鼠是一隻脾氣暴躁的老鼠(The main character Mouse is a grumpy mouse),可是,他卻有著一顆善良的心喔(but, he is very kind)。
An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”/英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》
Story by Steve Smallman /作者:史蒂夫‧史莫曼
Illustrated by Caroline Pedler/插畫家:卡洛琳‧佩德勒
Mouse was in a particularly grumpy mood. He’d woken up to find that the door to his oak tree was blocked by a big furry bottom! (阿鼠的心情特別暴躁,因為他醒來時發現他的橡樹門被一個毛茸茸的大屁股擋住了!)
“That’s just what I need(好像我需要這個一樣)!” he grumbled, climbing out of the window to see what was going on.(他嘀咕著,爬出窗外看看發生了什麼事。)
Then, splash, a drop of water landed on Mouse’s nose.(然後,撲通一聲,一滴水滴到了阿鼠的鼻子上。)
Mouse sighed (阿鼠嘆氣):“Rain! That’s just what I need!(唉~~是雨水啊!好像我需要這個一樣!)”
But it wasn’t a raindrop. It was a teardrop, from a very sad little badger. (但這不是雨滴。 那是一滴眼淚,來自一隻非常悲傷的小獾。)
Little Badger wailed(小獾嚎啕大哭): “Where is my mummy?(我媽媽在哪裡?)”
Squeaked mouse(阿鼠吱吱叫): “I don’t know! But I’ll help you to find her if you stop that racket!(我不知道,不過如果你別吵,我會幫你找到她。)”
Little Badger stopped crying. Then, with a sniffle, she took Mouse’s paw and off they went. They hadn’t gone far when a butterfly fluttered past.(小獾不哭了。然後,她吸了吸鼻子,抓住阿鼠的爪子就走了。他們還沒走多遠,一隻蝴蝶翩翩飛了過去。)
Little Badger(小獾):“Pretty!(好漂亮!)” Squealed Little Badger, galloping after it. (小獾尖叫著,追著蝴蝶跑。)
Squeaked Mouse(阿鼠吱吱叫): “Stop!(站住)”
But when Little Badger did, Mouse was completely lost. (但當小獾停下來時,阿鼠完全迷路了。)
Mouse groaned(阿鼠呻吟著): “That’s just what I need! (好像我需要這個一樣!)”
“Hello,(你好,)” said a squirrel-y voice.(松鼠說) “Aren’t you that grumpy mouse who lives in the old oak?(啊你不就是住在老橡樹裡的那隻脾氣暴躁的老鼠嗎?)”
Mouse said grumpily(老鼠生氣地說): “I am not grumpy!(我的脾氣不暴躁!)I am trying to get this little badger back to her mum.( 我正在努力把這隻小獾帶回她媽媽身邊。)”
Squirrel said(松鼠說):“How kind!(你人真好!) My friend will know where the Badgers live, come on!(我的朋友知道獾他們住在哪裡,來吧!) ”
“Hello, Squirrel,(你好啊松鼠,)” hooted Owl.(貓頭鷹叫著) “What a dear little badger!(好可愛的小獾啊!) Oh, and you’ve brought lunch.(你還帶了午餐來。)”
Mouse spluttered(阿鼠氣急敗壞地說): “I am not lunch!(我才不是你的午餐!)”
Owl nodded(貓頭鷹點頭): “Indeed,(確實,) You’re that grumpy mouse.(你是那隻脾氣暴躁的老鼠。)
I don’t eat grumpy mice, they’re far too sour.(我不吃脾氣暴躁的老鼠,吃起來太酸了。) ”
Squirrel said(松鼠說): “Actually, he’s trying to get Little Badger home to her mum!(其實,他正努力要把小獾帶回媽媽身邊呢!)”
Owl smiled(貓頭鷹微笑): “Then follow me,(那跟我來吧,) The forest is a dangerous place after dark so we’d better get going!(天黑後森林很危險,所以我們最好加快腳步!)”
Everyone follow Owl deeper into the forest then, splosh, a drop of water landed on Mouse’s nose. ) (大家跟著貓頭鷹深入了森林裡,撲通一聲,一滴水滴到了阿鼠的鼻子上。)
Mouse grumbled(阿鼠嘀咕著):“Oh! Please don’t start crying again!(喔!拜託別再哭了!) ”But it wasn’t a teardrop, it was a raindrop! (但這不是淚滴,而是雨滴!)
“That’s just what I need!(好像我需要這個一樣!)” Mouse huffed as it started to pour.(當雨水開始傾瀉而下時,阿鼠氣呼呼地說。)
Said Owl(貓頭鷹說):“We must keep little Badger dry, soggy badgers catch colds. (別讓小獾淋濕了,要不然會感冒。)”
Mouse gasped(阿鼠喘著氣說):“Oh crumbs! Anyone got an umbrella?(天啊!誰有雨傘?)”
“You’re welcome to shelter under my tummy,” said a big brown bear. (歡迎到我的肚肚下面躲雨,一隻大棕熊說。) “But what is the grumpy mouse doing out here with Little Badger? (可是那隻脾氣暴躁的老鼠和小獾在這裡做什麼呢?) ”
Squirrel said quickly(松鼠很快地說):“He’s trying to get her home.(他正試著送小獾回家喔。)”
Bear smiled(棕熊笑了):“What a kind friend!(好善良的朋友啊!)”
Mouse blushed. He’s never been called a friend before.
When the rain stopped, Bear pointed them in the right direction. (雨停了,棕熊給他們指明了正確的方向。) “And you’d better hurry, it’s getting late!(你們最好快一點,越來越晚了!)”
小朋友,夜晚的森林是非常危險的(The forest at night is very dangerous),你覺得他們能找到獾媽媽嗎(Do you think they can find Mummy Badger)?讓我們為他們祈禱(Let’s pray for them),希望在下一集的故事當中聽到好消息(and hope we can hear good news in the next episode)。
還有,你聽到阿鼠說“That’s just what I need!”,這句話如果直接翻譯意思是「這就是我需要的。」不過,當阿鼠脾氣暴躁地說這句話時,其實是一句反話喔,真正的意思是「我不需要這個」。因此,你在說這句英文時,要注意口氣。比如說(For example),你正需要一枝筆,同學就借你一枝筆,這時你的口氣應該是 “That’s just what I need!”。可是,相反的,如果你寫功課寫著寫著,筆卻壞了,也沒有人能借給你一枝筆,害你不能完成功課,這時,你的口氣就是 “That’s just what I need!”,諷刺地說就是「好像我需要這個一樣」,其實就是「不需要」的意思。這樣,你懂了嗎?Do you get it?
“That’s just what I need!”
“That’s just what I need!”
小朋友,請等待下一集喔(Please wait for the next episode)!
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.57 英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》(上)/An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”(Part 1/2)

EP.57 英文繪本《我的脾氣不暴躁》(上)/An English Picture Book “I’m Not Grumpy ”(Part 1/2)
