EP.56 英文繪本《不給糖,皮特貓咪就搗蛋》/An English picture book “Pete the Cat:Trick or Pete”


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)
Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,萬聖節快到了(All Saints' Day is coming),你想打扮成什麼呢?超人、巫婆還是鬼怪呢(what do you want to dress up as? Superman, witch or ghost)?如果看到嚇人的裝扮,你會不會怕呢(Would you be afraid if you saw a spooky costume)?還有,萬聖夜的時候,你會不會跟著家人或朋友一起去挨家挨戶地討糖吃呢(Also, on Halloween, will you go door-to-door with your family or friends to ask for candy)?讓我們跟著皮特貓咪一起去看看吧(Let's follow Pete the Cat and see what happens)!
An English picture book “Pete the Cat Trick or Pete”/英文繪本《不給糖,皮特貓咪就搗蛋》
Author: James Dean, Kimberly Dean/作者:詹姆士狄恩、金柏莉狄恩
Illustrator: James Dean/插畫家:詹姆士狄恩
It’s Halloween. Pete the Cat is excited to go trick-or-treating in his superhero costume.
“I hope nothing too spooky happens” says Pete.
“Don’t worry” says Pete’s dad. “We have our flashlights!”
“Let’s go trick-or-treating!” Says Pete.
Pete and his dad walk outside(皮特跟爸爸出了門). The wind rustles the leaves(風吹得樹葉沙沙作響). Pete sees something moving in the tree(皮特看到樹上有東西在動).
It’s just an owl! “That wasn’t too spooky” says Pete.
(「只是一隻貓頭鷹!沒那麼嚇人。」 皮特說。)
They arrive at a neighbor’s house (他們到了鄰居家). Pete rings the bell (皮特按了按門鈴). He hears a strange sound coming to the door (他聽到了奇怪的聲音越來越靠近門口了).
“It’s just Callie.” Pete says. “She’s not too spooky.”
(「原來是凱莉,她沒那麼嚇人。」 皮特說。)
Callie joins Pete and his dad trick-or-treating (凱莉跟著皮特還有皮特的爸爸一起去要糖). At the next house, there is something in the yard (在隔壁鄰居家的院子裡,有一個東西).
“Phew. It’s just a scarecrow.” Says Pete. “That’s not too spooky.”
Pete rings the doorbell (皮特按了按門鈴). “Trick or treat!” say Pete and Callie.
“Awesome costume!” says Pete. “Very spooky …… but not too spooky.”
“Thank you.” Says Mrs. Gold, the crossing guard.
At the next house, there is something glowing on the steps.
“Cool!” says Pete. “Jack-o’-Lanterns!”
Callie rings the doorbell (凱莉按了按門鈴). “Trick or treat!” say Pete and Callie.
It’s Pete’s teacher (是皮特的老師)! “One piece of candy each!” she says. (「一人一個糖!」老師說。)
Suddenly, they hear something behind them (忽然他們聽到身後有聲音)! “What was that?” ask Callie.(「那是什麼?」凱莉問。)
“Oh, it’s just our friend Emma.” Says Pete. “Not spooky but groovy!”(「原來是我們的朋友艾瑪。沒那麼可怕,可是很時髦喔。」皮特說。)
“One last house. And then we’ll go home.” Says Pete’s dad.(「最後一家,然後我們就回去嘍。」皮特的爸爸說。)
Pete rings the bell. Ding-dong! (皮特按了按門鈴,叮咚!)
“Yikes! It’s a spooky ghost! ” screams Pete. (「哎呀!是嚇人的鬼!」皮特尖叫。)
“Don’t be silly, Pete. It’s just me.” says Grandma. (「別傻了!皮特,是我。」奶奶說). Callie and Pete get treats and hugs(凱莉和皮特不但得到了糖果,還得到了奶奶的擁抱)!
Trick-or-treating wasn’t too spooky at all. It was actually full of sweet surprises. Happy Halloween.
“Awesome costume!”
“Awesome costume!”
“Trick or treat!”,不給糖就搗蛋。小朋友,祝你有個好玩的萬聖夜(Have a fun Halloween)。如果想聽更多有關萬聖夜的故事,也可以聽聽第十八集喔(If you want to hear more stories about Halloween, you can also listen to episode eighteen)。
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.56 英文繪本《不給糖,皮特貓咪就搗蛋》/An English picture book “Pete the Cat:Trick or Pete”

EP.56 英文繪本《不給糖,皮特貓咪就搗蛋》/An English picture book “Pete the Cat:Trick or Pete”
