EP.55 英文繪本《當我感到傷心時》/An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Sad”


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)

背景音樂:Chopin: Nocturne No. 21 in C Minor, Op. posth. (recording of the Century : Claudio Arrau)

Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。小朋友,當你感到傷心時,你能怎麼辦呢(What can you do when you feel sad)?讓我們來聽聽這位小朋友的經驗(Let's listen to this kid's experience)。

An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Sad”/英文繪本《當我感到傷心時》
Author:Trace Moroney(作者:崔西 摩洛妮)

When I’m feeling sad I feel like someone has taken all the colours away……and everything is grey and gloomy and droopy.

When I’m feeling sad I feel like I could cry…and cry…and cry soooo much that I make a flood!

I want to crawl into bed and pull the covers over my head…and stay there until the sadness goes away.

Some things make me really sad…like when I hear Mum and Dad arguing, or when I am sick and my body doesn’t work properly…or when someone, or something, I love dies.

It’s okay to let yourself feel sad…but it could help to talk to someone about it. Sharing your feelings can sometimes make you feel better.

When I’m feeling sad, I try to be kind and gentle to myself. I like to soak in a big bubble bath, or listen to my favourite music.

Sometimes, just being with friends and family makes me feel better…even if I don’t want to talk.

But the nicest feeling of all is when a kind person gives me a hug and says “Everything is going to be okay.”

小朋友,其實最近Bear老師非常傷心,因為我心愛的狗狗過世了(I’m actually very sad recently because my beloved dog passed away),我的心好痛好痛(My heart hurts so much)。不過我知道時間是最好的藥,我相信一切都會好起來的(But I know time is the best medicine and I believe everything is going to be okay)。.

“Everything is going to be okay.”

“Everything is going to be okay.”

小朋友,我知道一切都會好起來的(I know “Everything is going to be okay.”)。也希望你學會怎麼面對悲傷(I also hope you learn how to face sadness)。

我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.55 英文繪本《當我感到傷心時》/An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Sad”

EP.55 英文繪本《當我感到傷心時》/An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Sad”
