EP.53 矮個子晏嬰/ The short Yan Ying


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)

Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,你有沒有自己非常在意的缺陷呢(Do you have any weakness that you're particularly concerned about)?如果有人拿你的缺陷開玩笑,或是羞辱你,你應該怎麼辦呢(If someone makes fun of your weakness or humiliates you, what should you do)?讓我們先聽聽這個故事,再來思考思考應該怎麼做(Let's first listen to this story and then think about what to do)。
大概2000多年前,齊國有一個名叫晏嬰的人,從小就很聰明,但是由於他長得特別矮,所以常常被別人取笑(More than 2000 years ago, there was a man in the kingdom of Qi named Yan Ying. He was very clever from a young age, but because he was unusually short, he was often teased by others)。可是晏嬰並不在意,並且非常努力,長大以後,成為了齊國的大臣(However, Yan Ying was not self-conscious about it and worked very hard. As he grew older, he became a government minister in the kingdom of Qi)。
有一年,齊王派晏嬰出使強大的楚國(One year, the king of Qi sent Yan Ying as an envoy to the powerful kingdom of Chu)。可是晏嬰到了楚國,前來迎接他的楚國官員卻故意不開大門,只開了一扇最小的邊門(However, when Yan Ying arrived in Chu, the Chu officials who came to welcome him deliberately didn't open the main gate; they only opened a small side gate)。晏嬰知道這是楚國官員故意羞辱他,卻一點也不生氣,反而心平氣和地說(Yan Ying knew that this was a deliberate insult by the Chu officials, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he calmly said):「只有到狗國去才會鑽小小的狗洞,楚國認為自己是狗國嗎(Only in a dog's country would one go through a tiny dog door. Does Chu consider itself a dog's country)?如果不是,那麼,我就該走大門才對(If not, then I should enter through the main gate)。」楚國的官員聽了,只好打開大門讓他進去(The Chu officials had no choice but to open the main gate for him)。
楚王見到晏嬰後,裝出很驚訝的樣子說(When the King of Chu saw Yan Ying, he pretended to be very surprised and said):「難道齊國都沒人才了嗎(Does Qi have no talent left)?怎麼派你這樣一個矮子來呢(Why would they send such a short person like you)?」晏嬰笑了笑,很從容的回答(Yan Ying smiled calmly and replied):「大王,您錯了,我們齊國各種人才都有(Your Majesty, you misunderstand. In Qi, we have talented people of all kinds)。上等人才出使上等國家,次等人才出使次等國家。而我是齊國的下等人才,所以我們大王就派我來這兒了(The top talents are sent to the top countries, and the lower-ranked talents are sent to lower-ranked countries. I, being one of the lesser talents of Qi, have been sent here by our king)。」楚王原來是想要羞辱晏嬰的,沒想到卻自取其辱(The King of Chu had originally wanted to humiliate Yan Ying but ended up humiliating himself)。
過了不久有個官員押解了一個犯人到大殿上來向楚王報告(Not long after that, an official escorted a prisoner into the royal court and reported to the King of Chu):「大王,這個齊國人在我們楚國幹了許多壞事,現在總算把他逮到了(Your Majesty, this person from the kingdom of Qi has done many bad things in our land, and we have finally captured him)。」楚王聽了,又故意裝出非常驚訝的樣子對晏嬰說(Upon hearing this, the King of Chu once again pretended to be very surprised and said to Yan Ying):「難道你們齊國人都這麼差嗎(Are all the people from Qi so bad)?」晏嬰不慌不忙地回答(Yan Ying, with calm composure, replied):「大王,您可知道,橘子本來是南方的水果,又大又甜又好吃(Your Majesty, do you know that mandarins are originally a fruit from the south? They are big, sweet, and delicious there )。可是,如果把它移植到北方,就變得又酸又苦又難吃,這就是環境造成的(However, if you transplant them to the north, they become sour, bitter, and hard to eat. This is all due to the environment)。這個人我認得,他在我們齊國規規矩矩的,怎麼到了楚國就變壞了呢(I know this person, and he behaved properly in Qi. How did he turn bad after coming to Chu)?可見你們楚國的環境有問題啊(It seems there might be some issues with the environment here in Chu)!」楚王聽了以後,又生氣又丟臉。從此,他再也不敢瞧不起晏嬰了(Upon hearing this, the King of Chu became both angry and embarrassed. From then on, he dared not look down on Yan Ying anymore)。
小朋友,你是不是覺得晏嬰非常機智也非常有自信呢(Do you think Yan Ying is very clever and confident)?中文有一個成語叫「不卑不亢」,意思就是「不自卑,也不自大(In Chinese, there is an idiom called '不卑不亢,' which means 'neither inferior nor arrogant)」。其實,每個人都有優缺點,沒有人是完美的(In fact, everyone has strengths and weaknesses, and no one is perfect)。我們都應該以不卑不亢的態度,努力發揮自己的才華,同時也欣賞他人的優點(We should all maintain a ' neither inferior nor arrogant ' attitude, striving to showcase our talents while appreciating the strengths of others)。
“I will learn from him.”
“I will learn from him.”
小朋友,希望你能向晏嬰學習(I hope you can learn from Yan Ying)。將來,若看到地位比你高,或比你厲害的人,千萬不必自卑(In the future, if you encounter people who are in a higher position or more skilled than you, you should never feel inferior)。而若看到不如你的人,也千萬不可驕傲自大喔(And when you encounter those who may not be as capable as you, it's important not to become arrogant)。
See you next time.
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EP.53 矮個子晏嬰/ The short Yan Ying

EP.53 矮個子晏嬰/ The short Yan Ying
