EP.52 魏美人的鼻子/ Wei Meiren’s nose


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)


Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,如果有人在背後說你的壞話,或是用惡毒的言語在網路上霸凌你,你應該怎麼辦呢(If someone is gossiping about you behind your back, or says something nasty about you on the Internet, what should you do)?最近Emma小朋友也遭遇到了這樣的問題,讓我們來聽聽她怎麼做(Little Emma had this problem lately, let’s hear about what she did)。
Amy:Emma,你怎麼了(What’s wrong)?為什麼哭(Why are you crying)?
Emma:上個禮拜的體育課我們班一起跑步,結果我是最慢的(We were running in gym class last week, and I was the slowest)。後來,我發現班上同學有一個Line的小組群,他們在組群裡嘲笑我(Then I found out my classmates have a Line group where they’re laughing at me)。他們說我不但跑步慢,長得也慢,難怪這麼矮,就像一隻烏龜(They said I’m a slow runner, and I grow slowly that’s why I’m so short, just like a turtle)。
Amy:喔~我覺得烏龜超可愛,他們太不懂得欣賞了(Oh … I think turtles are super cute, seems like they don’t know how to appreciate them)。
Emma:可是,我不喜歡被說又矮又慢(But I don’t like being called short and slow)。
Amy:看你傷心讓我好難受(I don’t like to see you sad)。不過,我忽然想到了一個故事,你想聽嗎(But you reminded me of a story. Do you want to hear it)?
Emma:嗯~~我要聽(Sure, I’d like to hear it)。
Amy:大概兩千多年前,中國東南部有一個強大的楚國,在楚國西北方的魏國為了討好楚王,就送給楚王一個美女當妃子(About two thousand years ago, there was a powerful region of south-east China called the Chu kingdom. In order to please the King of Chu, the Wei kingdom in the northwest sent the King of Chu a beautiful wife)。大家都叫她「魏美人」,因為她是魏國來的美麗女人(We call her “Wei Meiren”. In Chinese it menas “a beautiful woman from Wei.”)。
Emma:那楚王一定很開心(So the King of Chu must have been very happy)。
Amy:對,楚王非常開心,常常跟魏美人在一起(Yes, the King of Chu was very happy and spent a lot of time with Wei Meiren)。可是,楚國的王后卻不高興了,並且非常忌妒魏美人(However, the Queen of Chu was unhappy and very jealous)。於是,她派人在宮裡散佈謠言說「魏美人雖然很美,可惜鼻子有一點歪」(So she sent people to spread rumors around the palace, saying, "Although Wei Meiren is very beautiful, her nose is a little crooked)。
Emma:王后好壞(That Queen was so bad)。不過,魏美人的鼻子真的有一點歪嗎(So, was Wei Meiren‘s nose really a little crooked)?
Amy:魏美人的鼻歪不歪並不重要,因為楚王是真的喜歡她(That wasn’t the point, because the King of Chu really liked her)。可惜的是,魏美人居然真的相信了謠言,並且非常擔心(It’s a pity that Wei Meiren took notice of the rumours and was very worried)。後來,只要見到楚王就開始遮掩她的鼻子,因為她怕楚王嫌棄她的鼻子而不喜歡她了(After that, whenever she saw the King, she started covering her nose because she was afraid the King would dislike her because of her nose)。
Emma:結果呢(So what then)?
Amy:結果,楚王誤會魏美人是嫌棄自己的體臭才遮的鼻子,一氣之下,就派人把魏美人的鼻子給割下來了(It turned out that the King got the wrong idea. He thought Wei Meiren was covering her nose because of his body odour. In a fit of anger, he ordered her nose cut off)。
Emma:天啊!好可怕!她中了王后的計了(Oh my – how awful. She fell into the Queen’s trap)。
Amy:對,你還記得嗎(Right. Do you remember )?Bear老師說過「有的時候人比鬼還可怕」(Miss Bear said that sometimes people are more scary than ghosts)。
Emma:如果魏美人能夠有自信,不管別人說什麼就好了(If Wei Meiren had had enough confidence, she wouldn’t have cared what others said)。
Amy:沒錯!你有沒有想過,或許是因為同學忌妒你功課好,所以故意嘲笑你(Exactly! Did you ever think that maybe your classmates are just jealous of your good grades, and that’s why they laugh at you)。如果你因為在意而傷心難過,然後影響了念書的心情,那麼,受害的就只有你自己(If you brood about it and it affects your mood when you’re studying, you’re the only one who suffers)。
Emma:謝謝你告訴我這個故事,現在,我知道應該怎麼做了(Thanks for telling me the story, now I know how to handle it)。
Amy:嗯~~走(Hey, come on),我帶你去看烏龜,你就知道牠們有多可愛了(I’ll take you to see turtles, you will see how cute they are)。
Emma:嗯~我要看我要看(Oh, I want to see, I want to see),走吧走吧( Let’s go)!
小朋友,如果你是Emma,你會怎麼做呢(If you were Emma, what would you do)?還是,你也正在說別人的壞話呢(Or are you gossiping about others)?Bear老師希望你能夠專注於自己喜歡的事情,不要
在乎那些惡意的批評(I hope you can focus on things you enjoy and ignore the haters)。同時,Bear老師更希望你不要成為霸凌的加害者(And … I hope you won’t become someone who bullies others)。
“I don’t care!”
“I don’t care!”
小朋友,希望你能夠判斷哪些意見對你才是重要的,哪些批評對你根本不重要(I hope you can learn to judge which opinions are valid and which don’t matter at all)。還有,最重要的是,千萬不要成為霸凌者喔(And most importantly, don’t become a bully)。
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.52 魏美人的鼻子/ Wei Meiren’s nose

EP.52 魏美人的鼻子/ Wei Meiren’s nose
