EP.50 我的感冒好了/ My cold is gone (Bear老師原創故事#12)


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)

背景音樂:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kek3bM7yswQ&t=9388s (Happy Now)

Hello, this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。小朋友,你還記得不久以前,Bear老師和Amy都感冒了,可是,現在我們都好了(Do you remember, not so long ago, I and Amy had a cold, but we’re both recovered now)。今天,Amy終於跟她的好朋友Emma見面了,我們來聽聽他們說什麼(Today, Amy finally meets up with her friend Emma, let’s hear what they say)。
Emma:Amy,好久不見,希望你覺得好多了(Amy, didn’t see you for so long, I hope you’re feeling better now)。
Amy:謝謝你,我覺得我的病好了(Thank you! I think I’ve recovered now)。
Emma:我知道你很怕打針(I know you’re afraid of injections),醫生給你打針了嗎(did the doctor give you an injection)?
Amy:沒有,不過她給我吃了一些藥,讓我舒服一點(No … just some medicine to make me feel better)。
Emma:這次感冒,你有那些症狀,嚴重嗎(Did you have any serious symptoms with this cold)?
Amy:我有一點發燒(I had a slight fever)、流鼻水(runny nose)、咳嗽(cough)、頭痛(headache)、肌肉痛(some muscle pain),不太嚴重,可是很不舒服(Nothing too serious, but very uncomfortable)。
Emma:我懂,生病的時候真難受(I know. It’s hard when you’re sick)。去年我得到了流行感冒,不但跟你有一樣的症狀,還一直吐,一直拉肚子(I got the flu last year. Not just the same symptoms as you; vomiting and diarrhea too)。
Amy:我記得,那個時候我擔心死了(I remember. I was so worried for you when that happened)。
Emma:謝謝你這麼關心我(Thanks for caring about me so much)。
我們都要更小心注意自己的健康(We all need to pay attention to our health)。
Amy:嗯。對了,醫生還告訴我流行感冒病毒無所不在,而且有很多不一樣的類型(I remember the doctor was telling me the flu virus is everywhere, and there are several different types)。所以最好的辦法就是增加自己的抵抗力(So it’s really best to improve your immune system)。

Emma:我奶奶說打流行感冒疫苗有用(My grandma said that it’s worth getting the flu vaccine),可是我媽媽有不一樣的看法(but my mother thinks differently)。
Amy:我爸爸也說打疫苗這件事很複雜(My father says vaccination is a very complicated issue),應該根據自己的狀況決定,我們也應該尊重每個人的選擇(He says it’s something for everyone to decide according to their own situation, and we should respect everyone’s personal choice)。
Emma:可是Mary阿姨說每個人都一定得打疫苗(But Aunt Mary says everyone should be vaccinated),所以他們全家每年都打流感疫苗(so her whole family gets the flu vaccine every year)。
Amy:我爸爸說民主社會,每個人的想法都值得尊重(My father says that in a democratic society, everyone’s views should be treated with respect),所以Mary阿姨一定也有她的道理(I’m sure Aunt Mary has her reasons),下次我們去找她聊天,聽聽她的看法(Next time we go to chat with her, we’ll ask about her opinion)。
Emma:嗯,我喜歡去她家,每次都有好吃的(I like going to her house, she always has nice things to eat!),她總是說營養很重要(She’s always saying nutrition is important)。
Amy:喔~~這才是你的目的(So you’re only thinking about that)。
Emma:才不是(That’s not true)!
小朋友,以前你感冒的時候,有哪些症狀呢(When you had a cold, what symptoms did you have)?是不是也跟Amy一樣(The same as Amy)?而現在,你是不是也替Amy開心呢(Now, Do you feel happy for Amy)?
“I recovered!”
“I recovered!”
小朋友,你在生活中做了哪些事情來維持你的身體健康呢(What are you doing with your lifestyle to improve your health)?請分享給朋友,並請繼續保持喔(Share tips with your friends, and keep it up)。
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.50 我的感冒好了/ My cold is gone (Bear老師原創故事#12)

EP.50 我的感冒好了/ My cold is gone (Bear老師原創故事#12)
