EP.49 我感冒了/I have a cold (Bear老師原創故事#11)


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)


Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,你聽出來了嗎?Bear老師感冒了(Can you tell that I have a cold?)。這幾天,真不舒服(These last few days, I’ve been really uncomfortable)。最近好多人感冒,Amy小朋友也感冒了,我們來聽聽她的情況吧(A lot of people have had colds lately … including little Amy. Let’s hear about what’s happening with her)!
我感冒了,還有一點發燒,真不舒服(I have a cold. I’ve got a slight fever, and just not feeling well)。我一點胃口也沒有(I don’t have appetite at all)。我的鼻水一直流,好難呼吸(My nose keeps running and it’s hard to breathe)。不停地咳嗽,讓我好累(The constant coughing makes me so tired)。不但頭痛,肌肉也有一點痠痛(My muscles feel a little sore, and a headache too)。害我只能待在家裡,哪裡也不能去(So I can only stay at home and can't go anywhere)。
去診所的時候,我得戴口罩(When I went to the clinic, I had to wear a mask)。醫生給我一些藥,叫我多喝水,多休息,這樣才好得快(The doctor gave me some medicine, told me to drink more water and rest more, so that I can recover quickly)。
媽媽告訴我說,等我的病好些了以後,要多運動,多吃健康的食物(My mother told me that when I get better I should do more exercise and eat more healthy food),所以能增加抵抗力,這樣以後才不容易生病(so my immune system becomes stronger and I won’t get ill easily in future)。
經過這次嚴重的感冒以後,我覺得健康太重要了(As I get over this heavy cold, it’s making me think that my health is really important)。因為如果沒有健康的身體,好多事都不能做(If I don’t have a healthy body, there are so many things I won’t be able to do)。以後,我再也不挑食,再也不偷懶不去運動了(I won’t be a picky eater, and I’ll make sure I do some exercise instead of sitting around)。
希望我的感冒快點好起來(I hope my cold will hurry up and go away),因為我太想念我的朋友們了,真想快一點跟他們見面(because I miss my friends so much, and I really want to see them soon)。
小朋友,你感冒的時候是不是真的很不舒服呢(When you have a cold, it’s not much fun, right)?你是不是也覺得健康真的很重要呢(Do you also think health is very important)?
“I have a cold.”
“I have a cold.”
小朋友,健康是無價之寶,再多錢也買不到健康,所以,一定要珍惜喔(Your health is a priceless treasure – no amount of money can buy good health, so please cherish it)!
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.49 我感冒了/I have a cold (Bear老師原創故事#11)

EP.49 我感冒了/I have a cold (Bear老師原創故事#11)
