EP.42 英文繪本《當我感到忌妒時》/An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Jealous”


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)

Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,你曾經感到忌妒嗎(Have you ever felt jealous)?那個時候,你有什麼樣的感覺呢(How did you feel at that time)?你想過你為什麼會忌妒嗎(Have you ever wondered why you were jealous)?今天Bear老師想給你介紹一本英文繪本(Today I want to introduce you an English picture book),繪本當中的主角是一隻毛毛兔(The main character in the picture book is a furry rabbit),我們來聽他談談忌妒的感覺,好不好(Let's listen to him talk about the feeling of jealousy, shall we?)?
An English picture book “When I’m Feeling Jealous” (英文繪本《當我感到忌妒時》)
Author: Trace Moroney (作者:崔西 摩洛妮)
When I’m feeling jealous, I feel like a big, green, grouchy monster. I see the things others have and want to have them all to myself.
When I’m feeling jealous, I feel like Mum and Dad love my little brother more than they love me.
Feeling jealous can sometimes make me do silly things to try and get someone to notice me.
Some things just make me so jealous…like when someone has a new toy that I want…or when someone beats me in a running race…or when someone is getting more attention than I am.
Feeling jealous makes me think about all the things that I don’t have and the things that I am not very good at.
This doesn’t make me feel very good, so………
When I’m feeling jealous, I try to remember to appreciate the things I do have…and the things that I am good at…
like my favorite toys,
and being good at skating,
and knowing that I am a really kind and caring friend.
Talking about why I’m feeling jealous makes me realise that my friends and family love me for just being me.
Jealousy is when it seems like others have a lot more or can do a lot more than I can. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t…and sometimes those some people may be jealous of me.
小朋友,你同意毛毛兔的看法嗎(Do you agree with this furry rabbit)?有些事物Bear老師真的好想得到可是卻得不到(There are things I really want but can’t get),有的時候我也會傷心、生氣、忌妒(Sometimes I also feel sad, angry, and jealous),怎麼辦呢(What should I do)?那個時候,我就會好好地想想自己的優點(At that time, I would think carefully about my own advantages),想想自己能做什麼,然後盡力去做自己能做的事(I would think about what I can do, and then try my best to achieve it),也因為我常常很專心地做自己能做的事,慢慢地就忘了忌妒的感覺了(And because I often focus on doing what I can do, I can slowly forget about feeling jealous)。
“I am jealous.”
“I am jealous.”
小朋友,答應Bear老師,覺得忌妒的時候,看看自己所擁有的,想想自己的優點,並且去做自己能做的事喔(Promise me, when you feel jealous, look at what you have, think about your own advantages, and do what you can do)。
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.42 英文繪本《當我感到忌妒時》/An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Jealous”

EP.42 英文繪本《當我感到忌妒時》/An English Picture Book “When I’m Feeling Jealous”
