EP.41 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(下)/An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(PartIII)


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)


Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。
在上一集當中,豆豆與皮皮迷路了(In the last episode, Beany and Scamp were lost)。他們的足跡完全被雪覆蓋了,所以也不能沿著腳印找到回家的路(Their tracks were completely covered by snow, so they couldn't follow their footprints to find their way home)。雪越下越大,天氣越來越冷,他們應該怎麼辦呢(The snow was getting bigger and bigger, and the weather was getting colder and colder, What should they do)?他們到底能不能安全回到家呢(Can they get home safely)?讓我們繼續聽下去(Let's keep listening)。
Beany:“I am freezing(我凍僵了).”
Scamp: “Something is different about you(你看起來不一樣).”
Scamp looked hard at Beany(皮皮打量著豆豆).
Scamp: “Your sweater! No wonder you are cold. Your sweater is almost gone(你的毛衣!難怪你會冷。 你的毛衣都快沒了).”
Beany: “My sweater snagged on your door hook. It must have unraveled(我的毛衣被你門上的勾子勾到了,一定是脫線了).”
Scamp: “Then we are not lost(那我們沒有迷路)! We can follow the sweater yarn back to my door(我們可以順著毛線回到我家門口).”
They started back through the woods, gathering up the unraveled yarn as they went(他們開始穿過樹林往回走,邊走邊收集散開的毛線). After a while, they saw a thin stream of smoke. It was coming from Scamp’s chimney(過了一會兒,他們看到了從皮皮家的煙囪飄散出來的細細的煙).
Beany: “If you had not thought of following the yarn, we would never have found our way back(如果你沒想到跟著毛線走,我們就永遠找不到回家的路了).”
Scamp: “If you had not snagged your sweater on my door, we would still be lost(如果你的毛衣沒被我家門上的勾子勾住,我們一定還在迷路). But here we are right at my doorway(可是我們現在到家門口了).”
Beany: “We are back at your doorstep, but we have not found your nuts(我們到你家了,可是,我們沒找到你的堅果).”
Scamp: “My doorstep! Now I remember! How convenient(我家門口!我現在想起來了!多方便啊)!”
Beany: “What are you talking about(你在說什麼)?”
Scamp: “My nuts(我的堅果). The square marked NUTS on the map is my doorstep(地圖上標有「堅果」的正方形就是我家門口). I buried my nuts under my doorstep so that they would be easy to find(我把我的堅果埋在我家門口,這樣很容易找到).”
Beany: “Yes, it is the perfect place. It is only one step from your house(這真是個完美的地方,離你家只有一步的距離).”
Scamp pulled up the stone step, and Beany began to dig(皮皮拉起石板,豆豆開始挖掘). The shovel thudded against something hard(鏟子碰到了堅硬的東西). They pulled up a chest filled with Scamp’s shiny nuts and carried it inside(他們拉出一個裝滿了皮皮的閃亮堅果的箱子,並且把它抬了進去). Soon the two friends sat by the fire cracking nuts and laughing and talking until late night(很快地,這兩個朋友就坐在火爐旁,邊吃堅果邊聊天,直到深夜).
At last Beany said good-bye and hurried home through the snow(最後豆豆說了聲再見,然後穿過雪地匆匆地回到家). When he finally got into bed, he thought he had never been so ready for a long winter’s nap(當他終於上床睡覺時,他覺得自己從來沒有像現在這樣準備好要進入一個漫長的冬眠).
小朋友,你是不是終於放心了呢(Are you relieved)?皮皮實在是太健忘了(Scamp is really forgetful),你知道嗎?在現實生活中,松鼠真的是非常健忘的動物喔(Do you know that in real life squirrels really are very forgetful animals?)。還有,豆豆出門的時候被勾子勾到了他的毛衣,當時他覺得有點倒楣(Also, Beany’s sweater snagged on the door when he was going out. He felt a little unlucky at that time),沒想到卻因為這樣而幫助他們找到了回家的路(but he didn't expect it would help them find their way home)。你還記得第16集「塞翁失馬,焉知非福」的故事嗎(Do you still remember the story of episode sixteen "It's a blessing in disguise")?倒楣的事不都總是會帶來倒楣的結果(Unlucky things don't always lead to unlucky results)。我們不能控制發生的事,但是我們能做的就是不要隨便放棄,並且積極地找出解決問題的辦法(We can't control what happens, but what we can do is not give up easily and actively find solutions)。
“I am so lucky!”
“I am so lucky!”
小朋友,希望你喜歡這個故事,也希望你能有一個像豆豆或皮皮這樣能幫助你、陪伴你的朋友(I hope you like this story, and I hope you can have a friend like Beany or Scamp who can help and accompany you)。
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.41 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(下)/An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(PartIII)

EP.41 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(下)/An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(PartIII)
