EP.40 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(中)/An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(Part II)


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)


Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。在上一集當中,豆豆與皮皮開始了他們尋找堅果的旅程(In the last episode, Beany and scamp started their journey to find nuts)。現在,讓Bear老師來告訴你他們在樹林裡發生了什麼(Now, Let me tell you what happened to them in the woods)。

Scamp was looking closely at the map(皮皮正在仔細查看地圖).
Scamp: “We must find a tree with bright red leaves(我們必須找到一棵葉子鮮紅的樹). I drew the tree here to mark the spot(我畫這棵樹就是為了標記那個地方).”

Beany: “Scamp, the fall leaves are gone(皮皮,秋天的樹葉都不見了). All the trees look the same in the snow(所有的樹在雪中看起來都一樣)! ”

Scamp: “Well, I think the tree is over this way(我想那棵樹就在這個方向).”
Scamp was heading for a dark part of the woods(皮皮朝著樹林中的陰暗處走去). They trudged through the snow for a long time(他們在雪地裡辛苦地走了很長時間). All the trees were bare leaves(所有的樹都光禿禿的), and Beany was thinking more and more of his warm bed(豆豆越來越想念他溫暖的床).

Scamp: “We will have to forget about the tree(我們得忘了那棵樹). We will go to the next place on the map. The field of wildflowers(我們去地圖上的下一個有很多野花的地方吧). It should be simple to find the place where the wildflowers grow(找到長滿野花的地方應該很簡單). ”

Beany: “In the snow(在雪中?)? Wildflowers don’t grow in the snow(野花不會在雪地裡生長).”

Scamp: “I did not think of that when I drew the map(我畫地圖的時候沒有想到這一點). But if we go this way we will come to the place where the wildflowers used to be(但是,如果我們沿著這條路走,我們就會找到曾經開過野花的地方).”

Beany: “I think it is the other way(我覺得是另一條路).”

Scamp: “Oh, no, I am sure it is this way(哦!不,我確定是這條路。).”

So they started off again, going deeper and deeper into the woods. They walked and walked and walked.
(於是他們又出發了,向樹林裡越走越深。 他們走啊走啊走啊。)

Beany: “It is useless to look for wildflowers that they are not here(如果沒有花了,再找也沒用). What is the next place on the map(地圖上的下一個地方是什麼)?”

Scamp: “The river(是河流). All we have to do is find the place where we like to fish(我們只要找到我們喜歡釣魚的地方就好了).”

Beany: “The river is frozen(河水結冰了)! There are no fishing places now(現在沒有釣魚的地方).”

But Scamp was not listening(但是皮皮根本沒在聽). He was already pushing farther into the woods(他一直往樹林深處走去). Beany followed after Scamp, but his feet ached and he was cold(豆豆跟在皮皮後面,但他的腳又痛又冷). He thought of his warm bed and soft quilt(他想起了他溫暖的床和柔軟的被子). The snow began to fall again(雪又開始下了). The woods were dark and gloomy. The river was not in sight(樹林裡陰沉沉的,根本看不見河流) . Up ahead, Scamp suddenly came to a stop. Beany hurried to his side(忽然皮皮在前方停了下來,豆豆趕緊走到了他身邊).

Beany: “What’s wrong now(現在怎麼了)?”

Scamp: “I think we are lost. I don’t think we will ever find my nuts(我想我們迷路了,我們永遠找不到我的堅果了)!”

Beany: “Nuts? What about finding our way home(堅果?我覺得我們現在應該先找到回家的路才對)? The snow has covered our tracks. We are lost and I am freezing(我們的腳印都被雪蓋住了,我們迷路了,我凍僵了).”

小朋友,你是不是也替他們擔心呢( Are you also worried about them)?他們應該怎麼辦呢(What should they do)?他們能不能平安地回家呢(Can they get home safely)?請等待下一集喔(Please wait for the next episode)!

“I am lost.”
“I am lost.”

小朋友,在樹林裡迷路了,是非常危險的事情(Getting lost in the woods is very dangerous)。所以,如果你也要去樹林裡或山裡享受大自然,一定要做好萬全的準備喔( So, if you want to enjoy nature in the woods or mountains, be sure to be fully prepared!)

我們下次繼續聽「豆豆與皮皮」的故事喔(Let's continue to listen to the story of " Beany and Scamp " next time)!

我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.40 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(中)/An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(Part II)

EP.40 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(中)/An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(Part II)
