EP.39 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(上)/ An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(Part I)


𝓕𝓑:Bear老師的中英雙語故事 (https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085483186691)

Hello, This is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。
小朋友,今天Bear老師想為你們讀一本英文繪本(I want to read an English picture book for you today),這本繪本的名字叫「豆豆與皮皮」(The name of this picture book is " Beany and Scamp"),豆豆是一隻友善的熊(Beany is a friendly bear),皮皮是一隻健忘的松鼠(Scamp is a forgetful squirrel )。讓我們來聽聽他們的故事(Let's listen to their story)。
Beany and Scamp(豆豆與皮皮)
Story by Lisa Bassett (作者:麗莎․巴賽特)
Pictures by Jeni Bassett (繪圖者:珍妮․巴賽特)
When the first snow fell, Beany knew it was time for his long winter’s nap(當第一場雪落下時,豆豆知道他漫長的冬眠時間也到了). He put extra blankets on his bed and plumped his pillow(他在床上多鋪了一些毯子,拍了拍枕頭). Then he went to say good-bye to his friend, Scamp Squirrel(然後他去和他的松鼠朋友皮皮道別).
As Beany came to Scamp’s doorstep and reached up to ring the bell, the door suddenly flew open(當豆豆來到皮皮家門口,伸手去按門鈴時,門突然開了). Scamp rushed out, bumped into Beany, and fell back through the doorway(皮皮衝了出來,撞到了豆豆,然後從門口跌回了屋子裡去).
Scamp : “Beany! I was just going out to look for you, and here you are right on my doorstep(豆豆!我正要出去找你,你就出現在我家門口了). Come in come in! I have big plans for us today(進來進來!我今天給我們訂了很大的計劃。). ”
Beany was squeezing inside(豆豆擠進了屋子裡).
Beany : “But, Scamp, it is time for me to go to bed for the winter(但是,皮皮,我該上床冬眠了).”
Scamp : “I will miss you, especially today, I thought we could go together(我會想你的,尤其是今天,我以為我們可以一起去的).”
Beany : “Go where(去哪裡)?”
Scamp : “ Hunting for nuts(去找我的堅果啊). It’s time for me to find the nuts I buried this fall(是時候去找我今年秋天埋下的堅果了). I will not have any food for the winter without nuts(如果沒有那些堅果,今年冬天我就沒有食物了).”
Beany : “I cannot leave you without food(我不能讓你沒有食物). But….but how long will it take to find your nuts? Last year…(但是……但是找到你的堅果需要多久呢?去年…)”
Scamp : “Forget last year. This year we will find my nuts in no time(別想去年了。今年我們很快就會找到我的堅果了).”
Beany : “Oh, I am glad you remember where you hid them(我很高興你還記得你把它們藏在哪裡). ”
Scamp : “But I don’t remember(但我不記得了).”
Beany : “How are we going to find them(那我們要怎麼找)?”
Scamp : “Just look(你看!). Have you ever seen anything as clever as this(你看過這麼聰明的東西嗎)?” cried Scamp, pulling a crumpled piece of paper from his coat pocket(皮皮大聲地說,並且從他的外套口袋裡掏出一張皺巴巴的紙).
Beany : “Well, I’m not sure. What is it(嗯,我不確定那是什麼)?”
Scamp : “A map(一張地圖). This fall I put all my nuts in one place, so it would not take so long to find them all(今年秋天我把所有的堅果都放在同一個地方,所以很快就能找到它們). Then I drew a map to lead me to them(然後我畫了一張地圖帶著我找到它們). All we have to do is follow the map. We will be like pirates looking for buried treasure(我們只要跟著地圖走。我們就像海盜一樣尋找被埋起來的寶藏).”
Beany : “It doesn’t look exactly like a pirate’s map(它看起來不像海盜的地圖). Why is the paper all purple(為什麼這張紙都是紫色的)?”
Scamp : “Because I spilled a bottle of blueberry juice on it(因為我把一瓶藍莓汁灑在上面了).”
Beany : “I think the juice blurred the lines(藍莓汁把你畫的線都弄模糊了).”
Scamp: “Oh, you are right. I will put in more lines to tidy it up(哦,你說得沒錯。我來多畫一點線條把它弄得更清楚).” He scribbled over the purple spots(他在紫色的斑點上畫呀畫). “Now, as you can easily see(現在就容易看得清楚了), we start right here and follow the lines until we come to the end, here(我們從這裡開始,沿著路線一直走到盡頭,就是這裡). That is where we will find my nuts(我們將在這裡找到我的堅果).” Scamp was pointing to a square with the word Nuts written inside(皮皮指著一個正方形,正方形裡面寫著「堅果」).
Beany : “What does the squire mean(這個正方形代表什麼)?”
Scamp: “I wish I could remember, but then we would not need the map(我真希望我記得,可是那我們就不需要地圖了). We will find out what it means when we get there(反正到了那裡就會知道這個正方形代表什麼了). Those nuts are hidden in a very clever place this year, and it is all right on the map(那些堅果今年藏在一個很聰明的地方,就在地圖上).”
Beany tried to keep from yawning(豆豆努力忍著不打哈欠). He had a feeling that it would be a long time before he went to bed(他感覺到要過一段很長時間以後他才能去睡覺).
Scamp: “I will carry the map, and you can carry the shovel(我拿地圖,你拿鏟子).” He trotted out the door into the frosty woods(皮皮小跑出了門,進入了結霜的樹林裡), while Beany got the shovel out of the hall closet(而豆豆則從壁櫥裡拿出鏟子).
AS Beany was squeezing through Scamps little door, he bumped his head, snagged his sweater, and dropped the shovel on his foot(當豆豆擠出了皮皮家的小門時,他撞到了頭,勾到了他的毛衣,還把鏟子掉在了他的腳上).
Scamp: “Come on! You will never find anything just standing there(快來啊!你一直站在那裡我們怎麼找啊)!”
Beany hurried after Scamp, but not without thinking that they were off to a very bad start(豆豆急忙追上皮皮,但是也不能不擔心這個倒楣的開始).
小朋友,你是不是很想知道他們在樹林裡發生了什麼事呢(You really want to know what happened to them in the woods, right?)?請等待下一集喔(Please wait for the next episode)。
“It is time for me to go to bed.”
“It is time for me to go to bed.”
小朋友,你睡覺的時間到了嗎(Is it time for you to go to bed)?
我們下次繼續聽「豆豆與皮皮」的故事喔(Let's continue to listen to the story of " Beany and Scamp " next time)!
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.39 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(上)/ An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(Part I)

EP.39 英文繪本《豆豆與皮皮》(上)/ An English Picture Book “Beany and Scamp”(Part I)
