EP.31畢馬龍效應/ Pygmalion Effect(Bear老師原創故事#8)


歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。
Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。小朋友,新的學期開始了,你過得怎麼樣呢(The new semester has begun, how are you doing)?有沒有新的煩惱呢(Are there any new worries)?讓我們來聽聽小朋友Jasper的煩惱,也想想你可以怎麼幫他喔(Let's listen to Jasper’s troubles, and think about how you can help him)。
Amy:Jasper, 怎麼了(What's wrong with you)?看起來垂頭喪氣的(Why do you look so dejected)?
Jasper:我覺得我完蛋了(I think I’m doomed)。
Amy:什麼事(What's up)?這麼嚴重(Why it’s so serious)?
Jasper:才剛開學不久,我就發現功課好難(The new semester just started and I found that the homework is really difficult),如果這學期成績再不好,升高年級以後我一定完蛋了(If my grades are not good this semester, I will be totally finished when I move up to the next grade)。
Amy:(呼~~)我以為誰要死了(I thought somebody was going to die)?原來只是這件事(It turned out to be just this)。
Jasper:這件事很嚴重,而且我不知道應該怎麼辦(This is very serious and I don't know what to do),我完了(I’m just so doomed)。
Amy:我覺得你太悲觀了(I think you are too pessimistic),首先,你應該停止說「我完了」(First, you should stop saying "I’m doomed"),你聽過心理學的「畢馬龍效應」嗎(Have you ever heard of the " Pygmalion Effect" in psychology)?
Jasper:那是什麼(What’s that)?
Amy:「畢馬龍效應」(Pygmalion Effect),是我表姊告訴我的(my cousin told me about it)。她說,你對你自己有什麼期待,就會使你變成那樣的人(She said what you expect from yourself makes you who you are)。所以,如果你一直覺得你完了,那你就真的完了(So, if you keep feeling like you're doomed, then you really are)。
Jasper:真的嗎(Really)?所以如果我覺得自己很厲害,我就會變得很厲害嗎(So if I think I'm great, am I going to be great)?
Amy:是的(Yes)。我表姊還教我一句英文說「Fake it till you make it.」(My cousin also taught me an English saying "Fake it till you make it.")。意思是「你先假裝,直到你做到為止。」(It means "You fake it first until you can really make it.")
Jasper:喔~~所以如果我一直假裝我的成績很好,偷偷改分數,我的成績就會真的變好嗎(So if I keep pretending my grades are good, and secretly change the score, will my grades really get better)?
Amy:當然不可以欺騙(Of course you can't cheat)!這句話的意思是你應該先相信你自己做得到,然後努力試著去做,最後就會變成真的(This saying means that you should first believe that you can do it, and then try hard to do it, and finally it will become true)。
Jasper:可是我怕我做不到(But I'm afraid I can't make it)。
Amy:所以你得先假裝(So you have to fake it first)。 我知道你很害怕,可是你得先假裝你自己不害怕,最後你就真的不怕了(I know you're scared, but you have to pretend you're not scared first, and then you won’t be)。
Jasper:可是如果最後成績還是不好呢?我怕自己是真的很笨(But what if the final result is still not good? I'm afraid I'm really stupid)。
Amy:那你可以試試看別的事啊(Then you can try something else)!誰說成績是最重要的,我看你打籃球打得很好啊(Who said grades are the most important thing, I see you play basketball very well)!我爸爸說打籃球的時候腦子裡要想著策略,那些球員一定也很聰明(My dad said when you play basketball you need a strategy in your head, so those players must be very smart too)。
Jasper:謝謝你,我一定會試試看(Thanks, I’ll definitely try)。
Amy:不客氣,我會為你加油(You're welcome, I will cheer for you)。
Jasper:你知道我還有什麼夢想嗎(Do you know what else I dream of)?
Amy:說來聽聽吧(Tell me)!
Jasper:我想像超人一樣在天上飛(I want to fly in the sky like Superman),從今天起,我要fake it till I make it.
Amy:欸~~夢想實不實際也很重要喔(It's important to have dreams that are practical)!你永遠不可能像超人一樣飛(You'll never be able to fly like Superman)。
Jasper:畢馬龍效應(Pygmalion Effect)!Fake it till you make it. 現在我覺得沒有不可能的事(Now I feel like nothing is impossible)!
Amy:好吧(All right~~~)~~~
小朋友,我們一起說: “Fake it till you make it.” 請跟 Bear老師再說一次: “Fake it till you make it.”
「Fake it」就是「假裝」,「make it」就是「做到」。「Fake it till you make it.」意思就是先假裝你能做到,然後一直努力,最後你就真的能做到。但是記得喔,這裡的「假裝」並不是「要你去騙人」,而是「先相信你自己會做到」。還有,重點是「Make it」,所以「努力去做」才是最重要的喔。
Fake it till you make it. Believe in yourself. 相信你自己,You can do it. 加油!
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.31畢馬龍效應/ Pygmalion Effect(Bear老師原創故事#8)

EP.31畢馬龍效應/ Pygmalion Effect(Bear老師原創故事#8)
