EP.29 元宵節的故事/ The Story of Chinese Lantern Festival


歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。

Hello, this is teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。
小朋友,農曆一月十五號元宵節到了(The Chinese Lantern Festival is here on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar),你會跟家人一起提燈籠、看花燈,並且欣賞煙火嗎(will you carry lanterns, watch beautiful lanterns, and enjoy fireworks with your family)?你知道為什麼在元宵節這一天,華人要掛燈籠、放煙火嗎(Do you know why Chinese people hang lanterns and set off fireworks on the Chinese Lantern Festival)?讓Bear老師來說給你聽(Let me tell you)。
很久很久以前,有一個獵人到野外去打獵(A long time ago, there was a hunter who went hunting),因為除夕夜快到了,他想讓家人的年夜飯能豐盛一點(Because Chinese New Year's Eve was coming, he wanted to make a lavish meal for his family's New Year's Eve dinner)。忽然,他看到一隻鳥飛過,立刻把它射了下來(Suddenly, he saw a bird flying by and shot it down immediately)。獵人興奮地把那隻鳥從地上撿了起來,但卻覺得奇怪(The hunter excitedly picked up the bird from the ground, but felt strange),因為這隻鳥的樣子非常美麗又特別,是獵人從來沒看過的鳥(because the bird looked very beautiful and special, a bird that the hunter had never seen before.)。
獵人把鳥帶回了村子裡去(The hunter took the bird back to the village),有一位老人,看到了獵人手上的那隻鳥,大叫說(an old man saw the bird in the hunter's hand and shouted):「哎呀~~這是傳說中的火鳥,是火神的寵物啊(this is the legendary fire bird, the pet of Vulcan)!你闖大禍啦(You’ll be in big trouble)!」老人話才剛說完,就從天上傳來了火神的怒吼(The moment the old man finished speaking, the roar of the fire god Vulcan came from the sky):「可惡的人類,我要替我的火鳥報仇(You wretched humans, I will avenge my firebird)!」恐懼籠罩了整個村子,結果大家都沒心情過年了(Fear gripped the entire village, and as a result, everyone was in no mood to celebrate the Chinese New Year),每個人不是哭哭啼啼,就是唉聲嘆氣,擔心大火來臨(Everyone was either crying or moaning, worried that the fire was coming)。
過了幾天,有天夜晚,村長做了一個夢,夢到了一位美麗的仙女告訴他(A few days later, one night, the village chief had a dream in which a beautiful fairy told him):「我是火神的女兒,我是來幫助你們的(I am the daughter of Vulcan , and I am here to help you)。記得,十五號月圓的晚上,你們一定要在村子裡掛滿燈籠,並且放煙火(Remember, on the night of the full moon on the fifteenth, be sure to hang up lanterns and set off fireworks in the village)。記得啊(Remember)!一定別忘記啊(Don’t forget)!」村長醒了過來,雖然他對仙女說的話半信半疑,但是,他還是交代大家趕快去準備燈籠和煙火(The village chief woke up. Although he doubted what the fairy said, he still told everyone to hurry up and prepare lanterns and fireworks)。
農曆一月十五號,月圓之夜到了,家家戶戶掛起了燈籠,放起了煙火(On the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar calendar, the night of the full moon came, every household hung up lanterns and set off fireworks)。這時(At this time),火神正好路過(Vulcan happened to pass by),在天上看到那座村子紅通通的,還噴出火花,心想(he saw the village from the sky, it looked red and was sending up sparks, and he thought ):「這座村子怎麼自己燒起來啦(How did the village set itself on fire)?哼!活該(They had it coming)。」於是就不再想報仇的事了(So Vulcan stopped thinking about revenge)。
就這樣,村民們平安地活了下來(In this way, the villagers survived safely)。為了紀念這個特
別的日子(To commemorate this special day),後來到了每年的農曆一月十五日,家家戶戶就掛燈籠、
放煙火(the fifteenth day of the first lunar month every year, every family hangs lanterns and sets off
fireworks)。最後(Eventually),就變成了賞花燈和煙火秀(this became a festival of enjoying beautiful
lanterns and fireworks shows)。所以,當我們慶祝元宵節的時候,也別忘了提醒自己感謝那些原諒我
們,以及善良幫助我們的人喔(When we celebrate the Chinese Lantern Festival, it is a reminder to
ourselves to thank those who forgive us and those who kindly help us)。小朋友,也希望你思考思考,報
仇真的是好辦法嗎(I also hope you will think about this, is revenge really a good way)?試著多跟別人討
論討論喔(Try to discuss with others)。
“Let's enjoy the beautiful lanterns and the fireworks together!”
“lantern”是「燈籠」的意思,因為「元宵節」也叫「燈節」,所以英文我們說“Chinese Lantern
“Let's enjoy the beautiful lanterns and the fireworks together!”
小朋友,祝你元宵節快樂(I wish you a happy Chinese Lantern Festival)!
我們下次見嘍(see you next time)!
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EP.29 元宵節的故事/ The Story of Chinese Lantern Festival

EP.29 元宵節的故事/ The Story of Chinese Lantern Festival
