EP.28 你屬什麼生肖?/What is your Chinese zodiac animal?(Bear老師原創故事#7)


歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。

Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。

小朋友,去年是虎年(Last year was the Year of the Tiger),今年是兔年(this year is the Year of the Rabbit),你知道明年是什麼年嗎(Do you know what next year is)?你知道十二生肖是哪十二種動物嗎(Do you know which twelve animals are in the Chinese zodiac)?你知道你屬什麼嗎(Do you know your Chinese zodiac animal)?讓我們來聽聽這些小朋友們討論十二生肖(Let's listen to these kids discuss the Chinese zodiac)。

Amy:今年是兔年,我哥哥屬兔,所以他今年十二歲了(This year is the Year of the Rabbit. My older brother’s animal is Rabbit, so he is twelve years old)。
Jasper:為什麼屬兔的孩子今年十二歲(Why is a child born in the Year of the Rabbit twelve years old)?
Amy:因為十二生肖就是每十二年循環一次啊(Because the Chinese zodiac cycles every twelve years)。
Robin:Amy,那你屬什麼( Amy, what is your Chinese zodiac animal )?
Amy:我屬馬(My Chinese zodiac animal is Horse)。
Robin:所以你今年九歲(So you are nine years old)。
Emma:哇!你算得好快啊(Wow! You calculate so fast)!
Amy::其實你只要知道十二生肖的順序,就能很快算出年紀喔(Actually, as long as you know the order of the Chinese zodiac, you can quickly calculate someone’s age)。
Jasper:十二生肖的順序是什麼啊(What is the order of the Chinese zodiac)?
Robin:就是「鼠、牛、虎、兔、龍、蛇、馬、羊、猴、雞、狗、豬」(It means "Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig")。我屬龍,我今年十一歲(My Chinese zodiac animal is Dragon and I am eleven years old)。
Jasper:我屬蛇(My Chinese zodiac animal is Snake)。
Robin:所以你今年十歲(So you are ten years old this year)。
Jasper:沒錯(That’s right)。
Emma:我屬羊(My Chinese zodiac animal is Goat)。
Robin:所以你今年八歲(So you are eight years old this year)。
Amy:我媽媽屬龍(My mom’s Chinese zodiac animal is Dragon),所以明年她四十八歲,今年她四十七歲(so next year she will be forty-eight, and this year she is forty-seven)。
Jasper:喔~~我懂了(Oh~~I see),所以屬兔的人今年可能是十二歲、二十四歲、三十六歲、四十八歲、六十歲,或七十二歲(so people whose Chinese zodiac animal is Rabbit may be twelve, twenty-four, thirty-six, forty-eight, sixty or seventy-two years old this year)。
Emma:哇!你的數學真好(Wow! Your math is really good)。
Jasper:哪裡哪裡(It's nothing),你現在才念二年級,剛學乘法不久(You are only in the second grade now, and you have just learned multiplication not long ago)。以後你也會很厲害(Your multiplication will be great in the future too)。
Amy:你們覺得生肖跟個性有關係嗎(Do you think the Chinese zodiac has anything to do with personality)?
Robin:我覺得沒有(I don't think so),因為我妹妹也屬羊,可是她的個性跟Emma的很不一樣(because my younger sister’s Chinese zodiac animal is also Goat, but her personality is very different from Emma's)。
Jasper:我聽媽媽說,生肖跟運氣有關係(I heard from my mother that the Chinese zodiac has something to do with luck),比如說,今年屬兔的人「犯太歲」,所以要特別小心(For example, people whose Chinese zodiac is Rabbit "offend the God of Tai Sui" this year, so they should be very careful)。
Amy:對,所以今年我媽媽去廟裡幫我哥哥「安太歲」(Yes, so this year my mother went to the temple to help my older brother "pacify the God of Tai Sui")。
Emma:犯太歲(To offend the God of Tai Sui)?安太歲(To pacify the God of Tai Sui)?那是什麼(What’s that)?
Jasper:其實我也不太懂(Actually, I don't quite understand either)。
Robin:在中華文化中,「十二生肖」有很多學問,我們慢慢學(In Chinese culture, there is a lot of knowledge about the "Chinese zodiac", let’s learn little by little)。
Amy:嗯~~我們一起慢慢學 (Let's learn together little by little)。可是也不可以太迷信(But don't be too superstitious)。
Jasper:沒錯(That’s right)!

小朋友,你屬什麼呢(What is your Chinese zodiac animal)?你還記得怎麼用英文來說十二生肖的動物嗎?鼠(Rat)、牛(Ox)、虎(Tiger)、兔(Rabbit)、龍(Dragon)、蛇(Snake)、馬(Horse)、羊(Goat)、猴(Monkey)、雞(Rooster)、狗(Dog)、豬(Pig)
Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig
小朋友,你知道你的家人屬什麼嗎(Do you know what are your families’ Chinese zodiac animals )?快去問問他們吧(Go to ask them)!我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.28 你屬什麼生肖?/What is your Chinese zodiac animal?(Bear老師原創故事#7)

EP.28 你屬什麼生肖?/What is your Chinese zodiac animal?(Bear老師原創故事#7)
