EP.25 新年新計畫/New Year and New plans (Bear老師原創故事#6)


歡迎大家跟Bear老師一起學英文,也多了解中華文化。由於Bear老師還有學校教職,比較忙碌,因此每7~10天才更新一次喔!如果需要PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。

Hello, this is Teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。
小朋友,新年快樂(Happy New Year)!今年是2023年(This year is twenty twenty-three),在新的一年裡,你有什麼新計畫呢(In the new year, what new plans do you have)?讓我們來聽聽其他小朋友們說了什麼(Let's hear what the other kids say)。

大家:新年快樂(Happy New Year)!
Amy:今年你們有什麼計畫(What are your plans for this year)?
Robin:我計畫今年開始學跳舞,媽媽已經幫我報名了舞蹈補習班(I plan to start learning to dance this year, and my mother has already signed up for dance tuition classes for me)。
Jasper:哇!我以後一定要去看你的表演(Wow! I must go to see your show in the future)。
Robin:當然,如果有表演,我一定邀請你們(Sure, if there is a performance, I will definitely invite you)。
Jasper:我們拭目以待(We'll see)。Emma,你呢(Emma, what about you)?
Emma:我計畫今年開始學畫畫,我對畫畫真的很有興趣(I plan to learn painting this year, I am really interested in painting)。
Jasper:祝妳以後跟畢卡索一樣有名(Hope you’ll be as famous as Picasso in the future)。
Emma:謝謝。你呢?你有什麼新計畫(Thank you. What about you? What new plans do you have)?
Jasper:我覺得英文好難喔,有的時候很想放棄(I feel English is so difficult, sometimes I want to give up)。可是我知道學新的語言很重要,所以應該多練習(But I know it's important to learn a new language, so I should practice more)。希望我的英文能更上一層樓(I hope I can take my English to the next level)。
Emma:別放棄(Don't give up),要有自信,相信你自己(be confident, believe in yourself),加油(You can do it)!
Jasper:謝謝你(Thank you)。Amy,你呢?你還沒說(Amy, what about you? You haven't said it yet)。
Amy:我有好多計畫,不確定應該先做哪一個(I have so many plans and I'm not sure which one to do first)。我也想學電腦、也想學做蛋糕、也想學彈吉他(I also want to learn computers, bake cakes, and play the guitar),可是時間不夠,而且媽媽的錢也不夠(but I don’t have enough time and my mother doesn’t have enough money),怎麼辦(What should I do)?
Robin:沒關係(It doesn't matter),現在網路上有很多學習資源和教學影片,有空的時候可以自己學(There are many learning resources and teaching videos on the Internet. You can learn by yourself when you have time)。
Amy:可是我媽媽不讓我上網,她擔心我在網路上被騙(But my mum doesn't let me use the Internet. She is worried that I will be cheated.)。
Emma:我爸爸也這麼說(My dad said the same thing),他說網路上有很多不好的東西(he said there are a lot of bad things on the Internet)。
Jasper:我記得Bear老師說過「要學會跟長輩溝通」(I remember Teacher Bear said :" You need to learn to communicate with elders."),你可以試試看跟媽媽談一談喔(you can try to talk to your mother)。
Amy:好的,我會試試(OK, I'll try)。從網路也能學會很多東西,我要證明給媽媽看(I can also learn a lot from the Internet, and I want to prove it to my mum)。
Robin:祝你成功(Wish you success)!新的一年,我們一起加油(In the new year, we can do it together)!
大家:加油(we can do it)!

“Wish you success!”
“Wish you success!”

小朋友,你有什麼新計畫(What are your new plans)?Bear老師祝你新的一年能學會更多新東西(I wish you can learn more new things in the new year)。祝你成功(Wish you success),加油(You can do it)!新年快樂(Happy New Year)!
我們下次見嘍(See you next time)!
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EP.25 新年新計畫/New Year and New plans (Bear老師原創故事#6)

EP.25 新年新計畫/New Year and New plans (Bear老師原創故事#6)
