EP.23 夏蟲不可語冰/You can’t speak of ice to insects that live only one summer.


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Hello,This is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。

小朋友,你聽到了嗎(Did you hear that)?這是什麼聲音呢(What is this sound)?這是蟬鳴,也就是蟬在叫的聲音(This is the sound of cicadas chirping )。
蟬是一種昆蟲(Cicadas are a kind of insect),他們還是蟲寶寶的時候,生活在黑暗的泥土裡(When they are babies, they live in the dark soil),等到長大了,他們就爬出泥土,享受夏天的陽光,繁衍後代(When they grow up, they crawl out of the soil, enjoy the summer sun, and reproduce),然後就死去了(and then die)。因此,他們的一生沒有機會親眼看見冬天(Therefore, they don't have the opportunity to see winter with their own eyes in their lifetime)。

有一天,有一隻蟬在樹上快樂地唱著歌(One day, a cicada was singing happily on a tree),他看到一隻松鼠忙著把堅果藏起來,便好奇地問(He saw a squirrel busy hiding nuts, and asked curiously)。
蟬:「你為什麼要把堅果藏起來啊(Why are you hiding the nuts)?」
松鼠回答:「冬天裡沒有什麼東西能吃,所以我要準備食物(There is nothing to eat in winter, so I have to prepare food)。」
蟬:「冬天?什麼是冬天(Winter? What is winter)?」
松鼠:「你不知道冬天(You don't know winter)?!就是天氣很冷,有的時候還會下雪的季節啊(It's a very cold season and sometimes it snows)。」
蟬:「冷(Cold)?雪(Snow)?那是什麼(What is that)?」
松鼠:「『冷』是一種感覺('Cold' is a feeling),『雪』是一種白白的,像冰一樣的東西('Snow' is a white thing like ice)。」
蟬:「冰(Ice)?『冰』是什麼(What is 'ice')?」
松鼠:「天啊(My goodness)!你在跟我開玩笑嗎(Are you kidding me)?別浪費我的時間(Don't waste my time),我忙著為冬天準備食物,沒時間理你了(I’m busy preparing food for winter, I don't have time to talk to you)。再見(Bye~~)!」
蟬:「別走啊(Don't go)!請你別生氣(Please don't be angry),我是真的不知道啊(I really don't know)!」


所以,松鼠真的誤會蟬了(Therefore, the squirrel really misunderstood the cicada),蟬沒有開玩笑,他是真的不知道冬天的一切( the cicada was not kidding, he really didn't know anything about winter),因為他的生命太短,根本沒有機會看到冬天(Because his life was too short, and he had no chance to see winter at all)。
小朋友,如果以後你碰到不能溝通的人,你需要有多一點耐心來讓他明白你的想法(if you meet someone in the future who you can’t communicate with, you need to be more patient to let him understand your thoughts),因為,他可能真的沒有過跟你一樣的經驗(because he may really have never had the same experience as you),就像井底之蛙一樣,需要別人的幫助(just like the frog who lives in a well,he needs help.)。不過,如果你很忙,有更重要的事情得做,那麼,你就只好離開去做你的事(However, if you are busy and have more important things to do, then you have to leave and do your work),但是記得,不需要生他的氣喔,因為「夏蟲不可語冰」(But remember, you don’t need to be angry with him, because " You can’t speak of ice to insects that live only one summer."),那不是他的錯(That's not his fault),而是他不像你這麼幸運能有豐富的經驗(You may have a lot of experience, but he's not as lucky as you)。

小朋友,一年裡有四個季節(four seasons),你知道用英文怎麼說嗎?

小朋友,如果你不想當夏蟲或井底之蛙(If you don't want to be a summer insect or a frog living in a well),記得多學習喔(remember to learn more)!
我們下次見嘍!See you next time!
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EP.23 夏蟲不可語冰/You can’t speak of ice to insects that live only one summer.

EP.23 夏蟲不可語冰/You can’t speak of ice to insects that live only one summer.
