EP.22 井底之蛙/ The Frog in A Well



Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。
小朋友,你知道什麼是井嗎(Do you know what a well is)?以前的人,因為沒有自來水(In the past, because there was no running water),所以想喝水的時候,只好從井裡拿水喝(when people wanted to drink water, they had to drink water from the well)。井有一點深,但是井的口很小(The well is quite deep, but the mouth of the well is very small),如果你住在井裡往上看,那麼,你只能看到一片小小的天空(If you live in a well and look up, you can only see a small piece of sky)。有一隻小青蛙,就是住在一口古老的井裡(There was a little frog who lived in an old well),井裡只有淺淺的水,井的牆壁上長滿了小草(There was only shallow water in the well, and the walls of the well were covered with grass)。

小青蛙口渴了,就喝井水(When the little frog was thirsty, he drank the well water);餓了,就吃井裡的小蟲子(When he was hungry, he ate the bugs in the well);累了,就在井底的石頭上躺著睡覺(When he was tired, he lay down and slept on the stone at the bottom of the well)。小青蛙對自己的居住環境很滿意(The little frog was very satisfied with his home)。由於他從還是小蝌蚪的時候,就住在井裡了(He had lived in the well since he was a tadpole),所以從來沒有看過外面的世界(he had never seen the outside world)。
每次,有小鳥飛到井邊休息的時候,小青蛙總是會向他們炫耀(Every time the little birds flew to the well to rest, the little frog would always show off to them):「嗨!下來玩玩吧!(Hey! Come down and play!)我家超棒的,什麼都有(My home is wonderful and has everything)。」而小鳥們總是告訴小青蛙:「外面的世界才美呢(The world outside is so beautiful)!你要不要出來看看啊 (Would you like to come out and have a look) ?」不過,小青蛙總是不相信(However, the little frog never believed it)。

有一天,有一隻布穀鳥飛到井邊休息(One day, a cuckoo flew to the well to rest),小青蛙又開始向布穀鳥炫耀自己的家了:「我家真的好棒!應有盡有(My home is really great, it has everything),你們為什麼都不相信我呢(why don't you believe me)?」沒想到布穀鳥說:「我帶你去看看外面的世界好嗎(May I take you to see the outside world)?比你家有趣多了(There are more interesting things than your home)。」小青蛙半信半疑地回答:「真的嗎(Really)?好吧(Okay)。」於是,布穀鳥用爪子抓起了小青蛙飛了起來(So, the cuckoo picked up the little frog with its claws and flew up )。

小青蛙:「哇!我的天啊!這是哪裡 (Wow! My goodness! Where is this) ?」
布穀鳥:「這就是井外的世界啊 (This is the world outside the well) !」
小青蛙:「那個高高的是什麼 (What's that tall one) ?」
布穀鳥:「那是山 (That's a mountain) 。」
小青蛙:「那些彩色的東西是什麼 (What are those colorful things) ?」
布穀鳥:「那些是花 (Those are flowers) 。」
小青蛙:「你看你看(Look, look),那個有好多水,比我家還大的地方,是什麼?(What is that place with a lot of water bigger than my home?)」
布穀鳥:「那是有很多蓮花的大池塘(That's a big pond with many lotus flowers)。你要自己下去看看嗎(Do you want to go down and see for yourself)?」
小青蛙:「我要我要(I do, I do)!」
小青蛙跳到了大池塘裡,盡情地游泳(The little frog jumped into the big pond, swam as much as he wanted),然後,跳上草地,享受微風(and then jumped onto the grass to enjoy the breeze)。
布穀鳥:「你看,我說得沒錯吧(Look, didn’t I tell you so)?」
小青蛙:「謝謝你帶我出來開開眼界(Thank you for bringing me out to open my eyes)。」
布穀鳥:「不客氣(You're welcome)。等你玩夠了,我再帶你回家(I'll take you home after you have had enough fun)。」
小青蛙:「不,我不回去了(No, I won't go back),我要好好地看看這個世界(I want to take a good look at this world)。」
小朋友,你想當井底之蛙,還是想多看看這個世界呢(Do you want to be a frog in a well, or do you want to see more of this world)?旅行(to travel)、看書(to read books)、聽播客(to listen to podcasts)還是多跟有經驗的人聊聊(to chat with experienced people),都能打開你的眼界(to open your eyes),並且學習更多知識(to learn more knowledge)。有一句話說「知識就是力量(knowledge is power)」,有了知識,你就能有更多力量做更多的事,也能更上一層樓(With knowledge, you can have more power to do more things and take your abilities to the next level)。就像這隻小青蛙,本來他什麼都不知道(Just like this little frog, he didn't know anything at first),後來他知道了更多知識,於是,他決定改變自己的生活(but later he learned more knowledge, so he decided to change his life)。

“Knowledge is power.”
“Knowledge is power.”

小朋友,如果你能學習更多知識,你就更有力量改善自己跟別人的生活(If you can learn more, you will have more power to improve your life and the lives of others)。比如說(For example),如果你有修理汽車的知識,你就能開一家修車廠幫別人解決車子的問題(if you have the knowledge to fix cars, you can open a car repair shop to help others solve car problems)。所以「知識就是力量(knowledge is power)」,一定別放棄學習喔(Don't give up learning)。
現在,你有了英文知識,你想利用這個知識來做什麼呢(Now that you have knowledge of English, what do you want to use this knowledge for)?請想想這個問題喔(Please think about this question)。

See you next time!
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EP.22 井底之蛙/ The Frog in A Well

EP.22 井底之蛙/ The Frog in A Well
