EP.18 萬聖夜派對/Halloween Party(Bear老師原創故事#4)


Hello,this is Teacher Bear,我是Bear老師。

小朋友,每年的10月31號晚上是萬聖夜(Every year, the night of the thirty-first of October is Halloween )。萬聖夜很好玩喔(Halloween is fun),有的人開變裝派對(some people have costume parties),有的小朋友到別人家裡去要糖果(and some children go to other people's houses to ask for candy.)。就讓我們來聽聽Amy跟她的朋友們要怎麼度過萬聖夜(Let's hear how Amy and her friends are going to spend Halloween)。
Amy:萬聖夜的時候,我家會舉辦一個變裝派對(On Halloween, my family will hold a costume party)。歡迎你們來參加(You guys are welcome to come)!
Jasper:我要裝扮成超人(I'm going to dress up as Superman)!
Emma:我要裝扮成貓咪(I'm going to dress up as a cat)!
Peter:我要裝扮成蜘蛛人(I'm going to dress up as Spider-Man)!
Amy:Robin,你要裝扮成什麼呢(Robin, what are you going to dress up as)?
Robin:嗯~~我還不確定(Well~~ I'm not sure yet)。本來我想要裝扮成鋼鐵人(Originally, I wanted to dress up as Iron Man),可是我也想要裝扮成殭屍或吸血鬼(but I also want to dress up as a zombie or a vampire)。因為聽我媽媽說萬聖節跟華人的中元節很像(Because I heard from my mother that Halloween is very similar to the Chinese Ghost Festival)。
Emma:不要,我怕鬼(No, I'm afraid of ghosts)。我喜歡鋼鐵人(I like Iron Man)。
Robin:好吧!那我就裝扮成鋼鐵人吧(Alright! Then I'll dress up as Iron Man)!Amy,那你要裝扮成什麼呢(Amy, what are you going to dress up as)?
Amy:我要裝扮成女巫(I'm going to dress up as a witch)。還要騎著一枝掃把,拿著一個南瓜燈(And I’ll ride a broom and hold a jack-o-lantern)。
Emma:那我這隻貓咪也要坐在你的掃把上(Well, then I, as a cat, will sit on your broom too)。我們一起騎(Let's ride together)!
Amy說:好啊!喔~對了(Okay! Oh, by the way),媽媽說派對以後,她要帶我們去鄰居家要糖果吃(my mom said that after the party, she will take us to the neighbors’ houses to ask for candy)。
Jasper:到時候我們要一起說:『不給糖,就搗蛋。』(Then we're going to say: “Trick-or-treat!")。
Peter:我還聽過一個順口溜(I heard a jingle):“Trick or treat, smell my feet. Give me something good to eat. If you don’t. I don’t care. I’ll pull down your underwear.”
Robin:我知道我知道(I know I know),意思就是(it means):不給糖,就搗蛋,聞聞我的臭腳丫。快給我些好吃的,如果你不給,我也不在乎,拉下你的內褲來。
Emma:你們很調皮(You are so naughty)!
Robin:萬聖節開一下玩笑嘛(It’s Halloween, I’m just kidding),請不要介意(Please don’t mind)。
Peter:請不要介意(Please don’t mind)。
Amy:我好期待萬聖夜的變裝派對(I'm so looking forward to the Halloween costume party)。晚上7:00我在家裡等你們來喔(I'll be waiting for you at home at seven o'clock in the evening)!
大家:好的,到時候見(Okay, see you then!)!
小朋友,你要怎麼過萬聖夜呢(How are you going to spend Halloween)?你要裝扮成什麼呢(What are you going to dress up as)?
“Trick or treat.” 意思是:你要選擇「惡作劇(trick)」還是「招待我們(treat)」?
“Trick or treat.”
小朋友!萬聖夜快樂! Happy Halloween!
See you next time!
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EP.18 萬聖夜派對/Halloween Party(Bear老師原創故事#4)

EP.18 萬聖夜派對/Halloween Party(Bear老師原創故事#4)
