EP.15 父子與馬/The Father, the Son and the Horse



Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。
小朋友,你有沒這樣的經驗呢?那就是,當你做一件事情的時候,有一些人會給你建議(advice),可是,你卻不知道應該聽誰的比較好,這個時候,怎麼辦呢(What should you do)?
(Let's listen to this story, "The father, the son and the horse", and then think about this question.)
有一對父子帶著一匹馬上街(A father and his son were walking down the street with a horse),兒子覺得父親走路太累了,於是就請父親坐到馬背上(The son felt that his father was too tired to walk, so he asked his father to sit on the horse)。走著走著,路上有個老伯伯忽然說(While walking, an old man suddenly said):「這個父親虐待小孩(This father abuses the child),天氣這麼熱(The weather is so hot),怎麼能讓小孩走路呢(how could he make his son walk on foot)?」這位父親聽了以後,覺得很不好意思(After hearing this, the father felt very embarrassed),就趕緊叫孩子上馬,自己則下馬跟著馬一起走(so he hurriedly called his son to get on the horse, and he dismounted and followed the horse.)。
走了沒多久,又有一位老婆婆說(Not long after, an old woman said):「唉呦!這個孩子真不孝順(Oh, this child is so disrespectful),竟然自己坐在馬上,讓父親走路。(I can’t believe that he sits on the horse and makes his father walk on foot)。」這個孩子聽了以後,非常難過,立刻請爸爸跟自己一起坐到馬背上(After hearing this, the son was very sad and immediately asked his father to sit on horseback with him)。
就這樣,兩個人一起騎著馬往前走(Just like that, the two of them rode forward together)。走著走著,他們聽到了一個孩子對她的媽媽說(While walking, they heard a child said to her mother):「媽媽,你看那匹馬好可憐喔(Mom, look at that poor horse)。」這對父子聽到了以後,又驚訝又慚愧(The father and the son were surprised and ashamed when they heard this),所以兩個人都下馬跟著馬一起走(so they both dismounted and followed the horse)。
走著走著,又過了不久,他們聽到了一個年輕人喃喃自語地說(They kept walking, and after a while, they heard a young man muttering to himself):「有馬不騎,笨死了(I can’t believe they walk with the horse instead of riding it, how stupid)。」這對父子聽了以後,你看著我,我看你,不知道應該怎麼辦才好(After hearing this, they looked at each other, and they didn’t know what to do)。
小朋友,你覺得,他們應該怎麼辦呢(What do you think they should do)?如果是你,你會怎麼做呢(If you were them, what would you do)?你覺得這對父子是不是因為對自己的想法沒有自信,they were not confident,他們沒有自信,所以才人云亦云呢?「人云亦云」的意思就是「別人說什麼,自己就跟著別人做,沒有自己的主見。」They didn’t have their own opinion, 他們沒有自己的意見。
還有,你覺得這件事有最好的辦法嗎(Do you think there is a best way to do this)?你覺得你的看法也會跟你的家人、朋友一樣嗎(Do you think your opinion will be the same as your family and friends)?如果不一樣,你覺得應該聽誰的呢(If not, who do you think you should listen to)?這個問題有一點難,對不對(This question is a bit difficult, right)?Bear老師也覺得多聽聽別人的建議是必要的(It is necessary to listen to other people's advice),不過,Bear老師覺得聽聽你自己的聲音也很重要(It is also important to listen to your own voice),要對自己有信心喔(You must be confident in yourself)。
“Be confident! Believe in yourself.” 意思是「要有自信!相信你自己。」
“Be confident!”, “Believe in yourself.”
“Be confident! Believe in yourself.”
小朋友,希望你能跟家人、朋友討論今天的問題(I hope you can discuss today's questions with your family and friends),祝福你以後能都自信地做出決定(Wish you can make decisions confidently in the future)。
See you next time.
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EP.15 父子與馬/The Father, the Son and the Horse

EP.15 父子與馬/The Father, the Son and the Horse
