EP.13 北風與太陽/The North Wind and the Sun



Hello, this is Teacher Bear, 我是Bear老師。

小朋友,你喜歡別人勉強你做事嗎(Do you like someone forcing you to do things)?意思就是,如果有一件事你不想做,你喜不喜歡別人用很強的態度逼你? “To force you” 就是「逼你」、「勉強你」的意思。如果有人希望你做一件事,你希望那個人用怎麼樣的辦法或態度來請你做這件事呢?今天,Bear老師想跟你說一個「北風與太陽(The North Wind and the Sun)」的故事,幫助你思考這個問題喔。

有一天,北風正在向太陽炫耀著自己的能力(One day, the North Wind was showing off his abilities to the sun),他說:「這世界上沒有我吹不走的東西(There is nothing in this world that I can’t blow away.)。」這時候(At this time),有個人穿了一件大外套走過來(someone came over in a big coat)。北風得意地說:「你相信嗎(Do you believe)?我能在三秒內脫掉那個人的外套(I can take that man’s coat off in three seconds)。」說完,他就拚命地吹(Then, he blew as hard as he could)。可是(But),他吹得越用力,那個人就越是抓緊了外套(the harder he blew, the more the man clung to his coat)。就這樣,不管北風怎麼吹,都沒有辦法脫掉那個人的外套(No matter how hard the north wind blew, there was no way to take that man’s coat off)。北風覺得很不好意思(the North Wind felt very embarrassed),但是,也只好放棄了(but he had to give up)。小朋友, “give up” 你是不是聽過很多次了呢?你記得是什麼意思嗎?對了,就是「放棄」的意思。

接著,太陽說:「讓我來試試吧!(Let me try it!)」於是,太陽用陽光溫暖了大地(The sun warmed the earth with sunshine),天氣越來越暖和(and the weather was getting warmer and warmer),沒想到那個人就立刻把外套脫掉了(Unexpectedly, the man immediately took off his coat)。這個結果,讓北風覺得又驚訝又慚愧(This result made the North Wind feel surprised and ashamed)。

聽完了這個故事,你有什麼想法呢(After listen to this story, do you have any thoughts)?你覺得為什麼太陽的辦法能讓那個男人輕易地就脫下外套呢(Why could the sun make the man take off his coat so easily)?你發現了嗎?北風用的辦法是 “To take that man’s coat off.” 意思是「脫掉那個人的外套」,可是太陽用的辦法是 “To make that man take off his coat.”

小朋友,你一定不喜歡別人逼你,對不對(You don’t like someone forcing you, right)?同樣的,如果你希望別人做一件事,可是對方卻不願意,那麼,你應該好好地跟他談談(to talk to that person with kindness),還是跟他吵架呢(or to argue with that person)?
哪個辦法比較好呢?Which one is better ?

當然,你也需要思考(Of course, you also need to think),你需要思考,比如說,如果父母、老師的要求讓你覺得勉強,只是因為你不喜歡?還是因為你有更好的理由呢(It’s only because you don’t like it, or you have better reasons)? Bear老師也希望你學會好好地跟長輩溝通喔。 Please learn how to communicate with your elders. 請學學怎麼跟長輩溝通。
“Please don't force me.”

“Please don't force me.”

I hope you will think about today's questions and discuss with your family and friends!
See you next time.
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EP.13 北風與太陽/The North Wind and the Sun

EP.13 北風與太陽/The North Wind and the Sun
