EP.10 月亮上的兔子/The Rabbit Who Lives in the Moon



Hello, this is teacher Bear. 我是Bear老師。
小朋友,每年農曆的八月十五號(every year on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month)是中秋節(Moon Festival), 「Moon」 就是「月亮」或「月球」的意思。中秋節的時候,月亮又圓又大。你知道嗎?在華人的傳說當中,月亮上住著一隻兔子(a rabbit),為什麼月亮上住著一隻兔子呢?讓Bear老師來說給你聽。
從前從前(Once upon a time),有一個很有愛心的老爺爺(there was a very loving grandfather),他養了一隻兔子、一隻猴子還有一隻狐狸(who raised a rabbit, a monkey and a fox),一家人幸福地生活在一起(They lived happily together )。
可是,有一年鬧了大旱災(However, there was a severe drought one year),什麼農作物都長不出來(no crops could grow),村子裡很多人因為沒食物吃,都餓死了(Many people in the village starved to death because they had no food to eat)。而老爺爺也因為好幾天沒吃東西,躺在床上,連站都站不起來了(And the old grandfather was lying in bed because he hadn't eaten for several days, and he couldn't even stand up)。
兔子紅著眼睛著說:「怎麼辦呢?(What should we do)如果爺爺再不吃東西,就要餓死了(If Grandpa doesn't eat anymore, he will starve to death)。」
猴子搔搔腦袋說:「對,我們一定要想辦法救他(Yes, we must find a way to save him)。」
狐狸說:「這樣吧!我們分頭去找食物(How about let's split up to find food)。」
猴子動作快,翻過了好幾座山(The monkey moved quickly and climbed over several mountains),在很遠的地方找到了幾顆已經乾了的果子(she found a few dried fruits far away),於是她抱著果子飛奔回家(so she ran home with the fruits)。
狐狸跑去河邊想抓魚(The fox ran to the river to catch fish),可是沒想到河都乾了,一條魚也沒有(but unexpectedly the river was dry and there was not a single fish)。他想,兔子跟猴子可能已經找到一些食物了(He thought that the rabbit and the monkey might have found some food),於是他撿了一些乾柴回去打算先生火,然後煮飯(so he picked up some dry wood and went back to make a fire for cooking
兔子呢(What about the rabbit)?她匆忙跑到田裡,想要挖個胡蘿蔔帶回去(She hurried to the field and wanted to dig a carrot to take back),但是田裡光禿禿的,哪有什麼胡蘿蔔(but the field was bare, and there was no carrot)。不過,兔子不願意放棄,還是一直找啊找(However, the rabbit was unwilling to give up, and kept looking)。
天黑了,月亮出來了(It got dark, the moon came out),兔子兩手空空地回家(and the rabbit went home empty-handed)。猴子和狐狸看見兔子回來,卻什麼都沒有,他們失望地看著彼此(The monkey and the fox looked at each other in disappointment when they saw the rabbit coming back, but there was nothing)。
這時老爺爺虛弱地坐了起來(At this time, the old grandfather sat up weakly),他慈祥地說:「沒關係(It's okay),回來就好,回來就好(It’s good enough that you are back),你們一定很餓了吧(you must be starving, right)?快!把那幾顆果子吃了吧(Hurry up! Eat those fruits)。」
大家聽老爺爺這麼說,都難過得掉下眼淚來(Everyone burst into tears when they heard the old grandfather say this)。兔子看著心愛的家人,望了望眼前的柴火(Rabbit looked at her beloved family and the firewood in front of her),她說:「我什麼忙都幫不了,真是痛苦(It’s really painful that I can’t do anything to help)。你們不能再餓下去了(You shouldn’t be starving anymore),請把我吃了吧(please eat me)!」兔子話才說完,就跳進了火裡(As soon as the rabbit finished her words she jumped into the fire )。
老爺爺、猴子和狐狸大吃一驚(The grandpa, the monkey and the fox were shocked)。就在這一刻(At this moment),天帝在天上看到這個情形(The Emperor of Heaven saw this situation in the sky),立刻伸下一隻手,抓起了火中的兔子(he immediately stretched out a hand, grabbed the rabbit out from the fire,),天帝感動地說:「你居然願意為了你愛的人犧牲(I can’t believe that you are willing to sacrifice for the person you love),這樣的精神,應該讓世界上的人都看到(Everyone in this world should see this spirit )。」
於是,天帝把兔子放到了月亮當中(So, the Emperor of Heaven put the rabbit in the moon),並且下了一場大雨,解除了旱災(and it rained heavily, which relieved the drought)。原來啊,因為人類不愛護環境,所以天帝本來想利用旱災來處罰人類,沒想到,卻被兔子感動了(He was touched by the rabbit),因此停止了處罰。
“I’m very touched. ”意思是「我很感動」。
“I’m very touched.”
小朋友,今年國曆9月10號(tenth of September)中秋節(Moon Festival)那一天,你抬頭看看月亮,找一找,說不定真的能看到兔子喔。
See you next time!
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EP.10 月亮上的兔子/The Rabbit Who Lives in the Moon

EP.10 月亮上的兔子/The Rabbit Who Lives in the Moon
