011 | 无解的边境危机和无望的移民改革 On Border Crisis and Immigration Reform


【聊了什么】 四年一度大选年,美国边境的移民危机毫不意外再次成为舆论和公众关注的焦点。更不意外的是,两党在解决边境危机的问题上无法达成妥协,最新移民法案刚推出就宣告死亡。为何移民问题在美国成为了无解的难题,这一问题又会如何左右2024年大选的走势? 【参与调研】 斯坦福商学院的研究者在进行一项关于美国H1B工作签证中国申请人的问卷调查。如果您今年计划参与H1B工作签证抽签,我们诚挚邀请您参与我们的研究。请访问 goto.stanford.edu/h1b 参与我们的调查。 本调查一共有两次问卷,共计约20分钟。完成两次调查将获得10美元的Amazon礼品卡,虽然是杯水车薪,但您的想法将为我们研究者理解来美华人移民提供重要贡献。如果您认识亲朋好友参与今年的H1B工作签证抽签,也欢迎您将这一信息转发给他们,或在您的公司群组中扩散。非常感谢! 【会员计划】 美轮美换会员计划上线了! 加入会员计划的付费会员每周可以通过邮箱收到2-4篇newsletter,包含对美国政治、媒体、文化时事的解读,以及深度政治、政策分析,帮助你全方位了解美国。 会员计划在上线首个月有限时8折优惠,请通过以下链接进行订阅。 年付会员:https://theamericanroulette.com/year 月付会员:https://theamericanroulette.com/month 微信/支付宝付费(仅支持年付,我们会在支付完成后会在2个工作日内在后台完成设置):https://buy.stripe.com/3cs9DnaUE4O52Z25kk 感谢你对美轮美换的支持! 众筹平台链接: Patreon patreon.com/americanroulette 爱发电 https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette 合作投稿邮箱:american.roulette.pod@gmail.com 【时间轴】 01:25 边境危机的背景 03:57 红州往蓝州运送移民是怎么回事 07:53 非法入境美国的移民面临的处境 14:41 为什么处理无证移民和难民问题如此棘手 16:48 拜登政府面临的移民危机和之前有什么不同 28:08 “非法移民” vs. “无证移民” 30:10 两党和选民对移民的不同态度 32:03 最新移民法案的前因后果 40:45 移民问题在政治中扮演的角色 01:01:51 进步派在反对法案通过的时候都在反对什么 01:04:30 移民问题会如何左右2024年大选的走势 01:06:55 如何才能增加美国人对移民的支持 01:22:09 共和党到底要什么 01:29:42 拜登如何“关闭边境” 【我们是谁】 美轮美换是一档深入探讨当今美国政治的中文播客。 我们的主播和嘉宾: Talich:美国政治/文化历史爱好者 Lokin:美国法学院学生,即将成为一名纽约诉讼律师 王浩岚:美国政治爱好者,岚目公众号主笔兼消息二道贩子 曹起曈:美国政治经济学PhD,政治行为研究者 本期节目的制作人是Lokin和小华,封面设计来自欢祺,本期的音频编辑是小然。 美轮美换是一档由百花出品的播客,更多关于播客厂牌百花的信息请点击这里。 【 What We Talked About】 Every election cycle, the immigration crisis at the U.S. border inevitably emerges as a major point of focus of public attention and discourse. Equally unsurprising is the inability of the two parties to reach a consensus on addressing the issue, with the latest immigration bill effectively dismissed shortly after its introduction. The persistent deadlock raises the question that we hope to tackle in this episode: why has immigration become an intractable issue in the US? How will this shape the course of the 2024 election? 【Support Us】 If you like our show and want to support us, please consider the following: Join our membership program: americanroulette.ghost.io Support us on Patreon: www.patreon.com/americanroulette Support us on AFDIAN: https://afdian.net/a/AmericanRoulette Business Inquiries and fan mail: american.roulette.pod@gmail.com 【Timeline】 01:25 Background of the border crisis 03:57 Red states transporting immigrants to blue states 07:53 The situation for immigrants experience after entering the U.S. illegally 14:41 The complexity of dealing with undocumented immigrants and refugees 16:48 Differences in the immigration crisis under the Biden administration compared to previous administrations 28:08 "Illegal immigrants" vs. "undocumented immigrants" 30:10 Varied attitudes towards immigration from different political parties and voters 32:03 Background and implications of recent immigration laws 40:45 Immigration issue's role in politics 01:01:51 Progressive opposition to the immigration bill 01:04:30 The impact of immigration issues on the 2024 election outlook 01:06:55 Strategies to enhance American support for immigration 01:22:09 GOP's objectives on immigration issue 01:29:42 How could Biden "shut down border" 【Who We Are】 The American Roulette is a podcast dedicated to helping the Chinese-speaking community understand fast-changing U.S. politics. Our Hosts and Guests: Talich: U.S. politics, history, and culture enthusiast Lokin: U.S. law school student, incoming NY litigation lawyer 王浩岚 (Haolan Wang): American political enthusiast, chief writer at Lán Mù WeChat Official Account, and peddler of information 曹起曈 (Thomas Cao): PhD in political economy, political behavior researcher This episode is produced by Lokin and Xiaohua, cover design by Huanqi, our audio editor is Xiaoran. The American Roulette is a Baihua Media Podcast.

011 | 无解的边境危机和无望的移民改革 On Border Crisis and Immigration Reform

011 | 无解的边境危机和无望的移民改革 On Border Crisis and Immigration Reform
