

在霓虹中抵达,霓达电台!欢迎您收听霓达电台出品的|悬疑案件CRIMINAL|1993年2月,台湾省基隆市警察局第四分局在同一天接到两则报警电话。当警方展开侦破的时候,却发现这两件看似毫无关联的案件,却错综复杂地搅在了一起,并且更离奇的是,这个案中案居然还牵扯出第三起案件......本期,刘下来和王哪跑为大家分享这起玄幻的案中案。警方毫无头绪,凶手几近遁形(下图上)。但就在此时,死者还魂托梦于他人,最终使得案件的侦破起死回生。那么,你相信梦境吗?你觉得人的梦境是真实的吗?梦中的线索,对于警方来说是可靠的吗?TIMELINE00:00-01:12 本期片头01:13-03:53 基隆警方接到两则报警电话03:54-08:30 Crime Case 108:31-17:00 Crime Case 217:01-25:08 Crime Case 2侦破25:09-41:44 Crime 3出现+Crime Case 1/3同时侦破41:44-50:45 Open discussion (弗洛伊德与《梦的解析》+ Deja Vu与“平时时空” )References and ResourcesFreud believed dreams represented a disguised fulfilment of a repressed wish. Studying dreams provides the easiest road to understanding of the unconscious activities of the mind. According Freudian psychoanalytical theories, dreams have two parts: a manifested content, which is the remembered dream after we wake, and a latent content, or the dream that we do not remember which is considered part of the unconscious. As Freud (1955) argues, the latent, or unremembered, dream content is composed of three elements: the sensory impressions during the night of the dream, the residues left from the day before, and the id's drives that are already part of the dreamer.Freud, S. (1955). Dreams and telepathy. In The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, Volume XVIII (1920-1922): Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Group Psychology and Other Works (pp. 195-220).Hendrix, J. S. (2019). The Dream Work of Sigmund Freud.台湾镜周刊2020年3月22日 https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20200315soc006/感谢您的收听,如果您喜欢,请点赞、留言和订阅。也希望听众老爷们能够关注我们的微信、微博和即刻等社交平台(微信添加“NidaMedia1”)。我们非常希望收到大家的意见和建议!这个世界需要不同的声音。而重要的是,对我们而言,不仅仅是霓达电台在陪伴大家度过闲暇时光,而更多的是大家在陪伴着霓达电台的不断的成长。下期见!


