

在霓虹中抵达,霓达电台!欢迎您收听霓达电台出品的|悬疑案件CRIMINAL|2010年,美国加州一家四口人一夜之间离奇失踪。当再次发现他们的踪迹时,已经过去了三年......本期,王哪跑与刘下来为大家讲述一起失踪迷案。犯罪者占尽天时、地利、人和。但天网恢恢,案件竟不断迎来反转,让犯罪者无处遁形。然而,案件之中却存在有诸多难以解释的疑点。警方是如何一步一步搜集证据的呢?而根据这些证据,是否能够判定犯罪嫌疑人有罪呢?你,还能针对这些证据,提出"合理怀疑"(reasonable doubt)吗?(上图:乔瑟夫一家;下图:嫌疑人查尔斯)TIMELINE00:00-09:53: 一家四口离奇失踪;09:54-16:35: 警方第一次介入调查;16:45- 21:10: 一家四口“重见天日”;21:11-37:20:警方第二次介入调查;37:20-52:04: 复盘案件 +电影《12怒汉》与“合理怀疑”原则。References and Other ResourcesUnderstanding Reasonable DoubtUnder U.S. law, a defendant is considered innocent until proven guilty. If the judge or jury has a reasonable doubt about the defendant's guilt, the defendant cannot be convicted. Simply put, reasonable doubt is the highest standard of proof used in any court of law. It is used exclusively in criminal cases versus civil cases because a criminal conviction could deprive the defendant of liberty or even life. The standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt is widely accepted around the world. The concept of reasonable doubt is imposed only on criminal cases because the consequences of a conviction are severe.The concept of reasonable doubt is not explicitly stated in the U.S. Constitution. However, one of the basic principles of the U.S. legal system is that it is worse to convict an innocent person than to let a guilty person go free. The person charged is considered innocent until proven guilty. As such, the burden of proof falls upon the prosecution to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt.(retrieved from https://www.investopedia.com/terms/r/reasonable-doubt)本期中所涉及的美国刑事诉讼原则之一“合理怀疑”,由于其专业性和英文表述的准确性,所以本电台就暂不予以翻译,以上摘选供听众老爷们自行理解。如果您喜欢霓达电台的播客节目,请您点赞、评论和订阅!我们特别愿意收到您的意见和建议,也希望大家能够关注我们其他的社交平台(微信添加“NidaMedia1”)。


