Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 比往年更疯狂的尾款人+2020年圣诞电影上线咯


大家是不是跟Jenny贝贝一样,都是双十一的尾款人呢?你家公司的收发室和小区的快递柜是不是都爆炸了?2020年的双十一活动也是破了纪录,大家的消费能力也还是很强!你有买什么有趣好玩的东西,或者你有什么心酸乌龙的双十一故事可以给我们分享吗?双十一期间,同事之间的交流也变多了,大家都在分享在买什么东西,但是同事之间,应该变朋友吗?还是说,Don't mix business with pleasure? 你会跟你的同事做好朋友吗?圣诞节也已经不远了,今天给你推荐一部圣诞节电影,叫做Holidate,中文名可以是...假日情人?虽然听上去有点cheesy,但是非常适合过节的时候看,很温暖很甜蜜!We hope everyone had a fun 11.11 and are enjoying opening all their packages haha.Alright we're talking about WORK FRIENDS. Do we like them do we hate them? Do they affect our working relationship? We always hear don't mix business with pleasure and Bei Bei is here to tell you why she keeps saying 'no thanks' to the girl at her new work place that wants to hang out with her. Also, Jenny is here early with a Christmas movie recommendation! They're cheesy, they're cliché and easy to watch, also great to practice your English with! This one is called 'Holidate' it's about only dating someone for the holidays - are you a holidate-r? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------今天还有一个惊喜,就是贝贝请到了她的KOL朋友,录了一段小采访,而且我觉得你很有可能已经在微博上关注他了,他就是@鱼太浪,那如果你还没有关注他的话,What are you waiting for??!! 快点去关注他!!!and also,你也可以在各个社交媒体上找我们玩哦~Find us here: 邮箱:shamelesssisters@163.com来这里找Jenny玩:Instagram: @jennyjzhou微博: @弄堂里的JennyVlog视频:站:来这里找贝贝玩:Instagram: @irisuperwoman微博: @贝贝iRIs

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 比往年更疯狂的尾款人+2020年圣诞电影上线咯

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 比往年更疯狂的尾款人+2020年圣诞电影上线咯
