Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 对象会在社交媒体上发你的照片吗+美剧推荐 YOU


最近好意思姐妹又收到了一个经常被提及的问题,为什么有些男生谈了恋爱,却在社交媒体上没有任何表示?他是想继续钓鱼,你是上了海王的当?Or,有些人就是比较保护自己的隐私,不想让太私密的事情公开让所有人都知道?很明显,Jenny和贝贝的看法是不同的,那你觉得是怎么样的呢,不发你照片的男朋友,应该跟他分手吗?本周还有部重磅美剧要推荐给大家,就是"YOU", 《你》,这部剧从第一季开始好意思姐妹就开始给大家推荐了,现在已经出到第三季了,还没看的都去补起来!So why doesn't your partner post photos of you on their social media? Is this a must, a compulsory detail in 21st century dating? Some boyfriends or girlfriends are just lowkey and prefer not to be online. Some prefer to keep their private life, well, private. Some do not want to mix their personal and professional life. BUT, if posting a photo of you two would make your soul mate so so happy, is it THAT hard? Orrr, why do you need a photo on social media to validate your relationship? Do you not trust your partner? Down the rabbit hole we go! Someone else who has found themselves in a rabbit hole is Joe Goldberg in YOU season 3. This season focuses on the couple's marriage and newfound roles as parents and also tacking their hobby of...murdering people? Urgh! Marriage is crazy!

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 对象会在社交媒体上发你的照片吗+美剧推荐 YOU

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 对象会在社交媒体上发你的照片吗+美剧推荐 YOU
