Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 健身也像谈恋爱一样+5月最后一部美剧推荐


你有没有想过,其实健身和谈恋爱一样呢?我们最近看到一句话,是这样说的:Wong out is just like a relationship, you can't cheat and want it to work.是不是很有道理?你是不是也和我们一样,虽然想减肥但也一直cheat呢?如果在夏天来临之前想要收获理想的身材,那你还是要好好锻炼,乖乖吃饭,你的付出也一定有回报!那如果你在健身的时候很无聊,可以看一下我们这周要推荐的美剧,Upload,这部剧轻松又会引人深思,所以很适合在跑步机上枯燥的时候让你自己忘记你在锻炼!我们也想问你,如果有机会的话,你会选择在过世之后上传你的灵魂吗?We've got a dirty secret to share...we've been cheating in our relationships...our relationship with EXERCISE and the GYM.You must be committed, honest, truthful and patient! How many of us do 10 sit ups and then check for abs? Do you have any tips for us to stop cheating at the gym? It's all about finding the right type of exercise for you, just like finding the right partner. Jenny prefers high intensity spin classes, Bei Bei likes a more gentle approach haha, another good way is to distract yourself from exercising by watching your favourite TV show! If you walk on the treadmill while binging an episode, that's 30 minutes of exercise done! We recommended you the new Amazon Prime series UPLOAD this week. As we live our lives more and more online, what will the future be like? A future where even 'heaven' is online and you can Upload yourself to it.

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 健身也像谈恋爱一样+5月最后一部美剧推荐

Shameless Sisters 好意思姐妹 | 健身也像谈恋爱一样+5月最后一部美剧推荐
