

主播:翩翩(中国)+ Maelle(法国) 歌曲:What Makes You Beautiful(开头)Show Me [by Audrey Assad](结尾)上一期的podcast,我们用10个问题来reflect on the past year(盘点过去的一年). It is now time to plan for the new year!该做新年规划啦!新的一年,像一个崭新的空间,装满了未曾使用的时间。而做新年规划的心情,就像一个肥美丰腴的新年在前方等待自己。但,今年的新年规划前,我们先听主播梅莉给我们读一段essay(小短文):Preparing time to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(preparing time to do the thing为了做这件事而预备出时间isn’t doing the thing 并不是在做这件事)Scheduling time to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(scheduling time  安排时间)Making a to do list to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(making a to do list列一个待办清单)Telling people you are going to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(telling people you are going to do the thing  告诉大家你要做了)Writing a social media post about how you are going to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(writing a social media post在社交媒体上发个帖子)Hating on yourself for not doing the thing isn’t doing the thing(hating on yourself怨恨自己)Hating on other people who have done the thing isn’t doing the thing.(hating on other people怨恨他人)Hating on obstacles in the way of doing the thing isn’t doing the thing.(obstacles那些障碍 obstacles in the way挡路的障碍)Fantasizing about all the adoration you will received once you have done the thing isn’t doing the thing.(fantasizing幻想,白日做梦,theadoration you will received once you have done the thing,一旦做成这件事,你会得到的那些爱慕与崇拜)Reading about how you are going to do the thing isn’t doing the thing.(reading about how you are going to do the thing阅览那些关于你怎么做这件事的信息)Reading about other people who have done the thing isn’t doing the thing.(reading about other people who have done the thing阅读别人已经完成这件事的信息)Reading the essay isn’t doing the thing.(reading the essay读这篇小短文)The only thing doing the thing is doing the thing.(唯一能做的事情就是去做这个事情。)新年立志之前,这是一则超棒的提醒,it’s such a great reminder!走得最慢的人,也比原地徘徊的人走得快。总之新年规划,重点不是规划,而是doing the thing (做起来)!为了避免there is so much pressure put on ourselves to make plans and goals,同时也为了避免计划得太多,忘记得太快,今年我们打算 do it in a more simple way。实践检测,这种方式更加有效, it works best for me!一共三步:1. Find a few categories in which you want to focus on this year. 定下今年你想重点关注的几个类别。For example, it can be related to health, professionally, family, financially etc.• berelated to:与……相关• health健康,professionally搞事业, family家庭, financially搞钱…2. Write a specific goal or goals for each category. 给每一项定下具体的目标。“焦虑”的反义词是“具体”。• specific goals: 具体的目标 比如,for the health category,the goal can be to run a marathon, drink more water, eat more vegetables etc.• to run a marathon 跑一次马拉松关于吃蔬菜,翩翩有一个量化的原则:警车加信号灯。(会问自己:我今天有没有吃够5种颜色的食物,黑、白、红、绿、黄。) 3. Write down exactly how you are going to achieve each goal for each category. 写下具体如何实现每一个目标。比如,想要实现本年能够 run a marathon, you need to come up with a plan(需要制定一个计划),来实现你今年健康这一项里running a marathon的目标。比如计划:how many times a week you are going to train 一周训练几次do research on what you need to eat  研究相应的饮食how long in advance do you need to do this以及提前多久开始做这样,就成为了一个简约有效的 action plan。梅莉常用这种方式来做年度计划,so I can look back on them throughout the year(一整年都可以随时回顾),并且it helps me reflect at the end of the year(年末复盘时很有帮助)。另外,国外年轻人很很流行做vision board(愿景板),来自我激励。Vision board就是a collection of images(一组图片),代表了你的目标、梦想和愿望。其实就是一种视觉提醒,a visual reminder,提醒你今年的目标、梦想等等。Making a vision board is quite simple!做起来非常简单!You just need to find pictures that reflect your goals. 什么图片都可以,pictures of people(人物图片),quotes(名句), pictures from magazines(杂志图片)等,只要能够reflect your goals就行。很多人会在冰箱上做vision board,每天都能看到这些图片,来提醒自己今年的目标。希望你听完今天的播客后,今年的new year’s resolution制作起来会更高效!And remember!!!九层之台,起于垒土;千里之行,始于足下。 The only thing doing the thing is doing the thing!欢迎大家留言告诉我们:你的2024年,最大的目标是什么呢?Please comment us!Happy new year everyone! 


