

主播:梅莉 | 翩翩歌曲 : Bana Ellerini Ver梅莉在欧洲待了4年,经历了pandemic(疫情),前段时间梅莉回中国待了俩月,有一些很深度的体验。今天咱们就请梅莉聊聊,她行走在世界后,反观中国的services(服务)。提起中国近几年的发展变化,梅莉这样感叹:I was able to experience so many services that are so convenient, cheap and just make life so much easier!梅莉的感受非常直观。中国有很多的服务都方便,便宜,让生活更加地便捷。对于中国科技的发展,梅莉惊呼:Technology in China is advancing at the speed of light. 以光速发展!我们只是百姓日用而不知,身处其中,自己没发觉。日新月异,经常有a new app or service(新的应用或服务) coming out(问世)。梅莉这次回中国后,有3大服务让她觉得震惊。1.  DADA 达达梅莉是这次回国后,才开始用达达的。It is so easy to use and efficient. 用起来方便,而且高效。It is so convenient! Being able to call for someone to pick up something for you and get it delivered is amazing! It is also so fast and cheap which makes it so much more amazing!用起来真的很便捷。达达可以帮你pick up something(取东西),或者帮你get something delivered(送件),方便、省事,快速而且还不贵。达达用的是very innovative technologies(非常创新的技术)——autonomous delivery operation system(自主配送操作系统)。•   innovative /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv/ adj. 创新的•   autonomous /ɔ:ˈtɑ:nəməs/ adj. 自主的用户只需要填好收取地址,其他的达达就自动完成了。这样便捷的服务,国外却没有。Hopefully they will one day expand internationally so we can use it everywhere! 希望有一天这项服务能够expand internationally(全球化)。2. The Designated Driver Services 代驾前些日子,翩翩去梅莉家聚餐,吃法国菜自然要喝法国红酒,但是因为开车了,梅莉爸爸便建议:找代驾啊!然后补充道:中国最伟大的发明是代驾。梅莉爸爸并不是开玩笑,是很认真地赞叹!当梅莉explains the concept to her friends abroad(跟国外朋友介绍代驾是怎么回事时),她朋友们的反应是:they think it is so smart!代驾可以说是令我们非常骄傲的“中国特色”了!解释起来,代驾就是:The designated driver(代驾司机)一般是骑一辆mini-bikes(迷你自行车)或electric scooters(电动车),帮助有需要的人drive their car home。这个创意,真的是genius。The designated driver services aren't just in China.但因为中国人口较多,代驾花费较低,所以能help the concept take off(让代驾很好地成功)。•   designated /ˈdezɪɡneɪtɪd/ adj. 指定的•   take off 突然成功古时候法国也有过代驾这种concept。Back in the day when people rode horses to get around(那还是在法国人骑马出行的时候), when the guests had a little too much to drink at the bar and couldn’t get home on their own(酒吧的客人喝多了,自己回不了家), the owner of the bar would get the guest on their hose(酒吧的主人就把客人扶上客人自己骑来的马), and Paah a little slap on the butt of the horse(在马屁股上一拍) and it would take them home(马就把主人带回家了).这是代驾,也叫“无人驾驶”,哈哈。3. Public Power Banks共享充电宝You can get Public Power Banks in hotels and shops. 共享充电宝广泛存在于中国各个大大小小角落。出门在外,手机难免会有没电的时候(your phone will die)。This service can definitely save you from having your phone die. 共享充电宝就解决了这个问题。国外也有共享充电宝,但是,this is not a service that is so commonly seen abroad(不像中国那么普遍)。离开中国后,哪一项service让梅莉最想念呢?梅莉很难做出选择,如果非要选一样的话,那必须得是:MeiTuan 美团!梅莉really missed MeiTuan for ordering food or drinks like bubble tea and having it delivered for so cheap and fast.可以点奶茶,又便宜又快。Even though this does exist in France it is so expensive compared to China. 尽管法国也有外卖服务,但与中国相比,是如此昂贵。旁观者清。非常感谢梅莉这一期节目,这提醒到我们,原来我们的生活如此便捷幸福!欢迎留言告诉我们:听完这期节目,你有什么想说的吗?


