

主播:Selah | 翩翩 歌曲 : We’ll Be the Stars*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。 今天来聊聊the coronation of King Charles (英国查尔斯国王的加冕礼)。 当了70多年王储的老王子,当地时间5月6日终于转正了。 Crowning a monarch(给君主加冕)这件事,很新奇。对于现在的人们来说,it can be hard to fully understand crowning a monarch(很难完全理解为君主加冕),因为大多数人都没见过。Very few countries today have a monarch- a king or queen. 如今,很少有国家有君主——国王或女王。This was a one-of-a-kind event that got views from all over the world.查尔斯加冕绝对是独一无二的事件, 吸引了全世界观众的观看。It had 14 million people watching it on the BBC.有1400万人在BBC上观看。• crown /kraʊn/ v. 为……加冕• monarch /ˈmɑ:nərk/ n. 君主• one-of-a-kind 独一无二的 1. What is a Coronation? 什么是加冕仪式?It is an event in which someone is crowned a monarch-a king or queen. 这是一个让某人被加冕为君主(国王或女王)的事件。It is a chance to celebrate national unity and carry on century-old traditions.它既是加冕仪式,同时又是庆祝国家团结和延续百年传统的机会。 It is full of a lot of traditions and symbols. 充满了各种传统和象征。 加冕仪式中的那些 symbols:• a coronation chair 一把加冕椅It was a throne that has been used for coronations since the 14th century.这是自14世纪以来用于加冕典礼的宝座! • the crown jewels 加冕珠宝• royal robes 皇家袍服• scepter (尤指象征君主权位的)权杖• orb 天球这些都很有威仪。These all represent his power and symbolize his role as both King and defender of the Christian faith.这些都代表权力,象征他国王以及基督教信仰捍卫者的角色。• defender n. 拥护者 It is a ceremony that has not changed much over the centuries.这个加冕仪式几个世纪以来没有发生太多变化。It may seem outdated to some but holds a lot of tradition and significance.对一些人来说,它似乎已经过时了,但却有很多传统和意义。• outdated adj. 过时的 2. King Charles 国王查尔斯People had mixed opinions of King Charles.人们对查尔斯国王褒贬不一。 (1) His personal life has been full of controversy, especially related to his marriage to the late Princess Diana.他的个人生活充满了争议,尤其是与已故的戴安娜王妃的婚姻有关。People loved Diana, and they often saw King Charles as the bad guy.人们都很爱戴戴安娜王妃,觉得查尔斯是渣男。• late adj. 已故的 (2) 另一个他在英国民间不受欢迎的原因是:He is very traditional. 他很传统。Some criticize that he is not modern. 他不够现代化。但传统也是好事,because he is often preserving British culture and heritage(因为他能保留国家的文化)。 (3) He is also more politically involved than his mother was, making it complicated.他政治参与太多了。 (4) He is also the only new monarch in 70 years.他也是70年来唯一的一位新君主。When his mother became queen, there was no internet, little technology and the British empire still ruled.查尔斯的母亲伊丽莎白二世登基时,还没有网络,科技也没那么发达,英国仍然控制着很多殖民地和领土。Charles is a king over a much different world.但查尔斯现在是一个完全不同的世界的国王。 英国君主的加冕,也不是人人都支持的, 加冕礼时,就有一些anti-royal protesters(反皇室的抗议者)。Many people do not think they should have a monarch anymore.很多人觉得他们不再需要君主。 一名身着红衣的抗议者举着一块牌子,上面写着:“The only good king is a Burger King.” 唯一好的王,是汉堡王。 也有抗议者身穿黄色衬衫,上面印着: “not my king” (“不是我的国王”)。 也有人会说:“Diana is my queen”(“戴安娜才是我的女王”)。 这些口号也从侧面反映,“君主制”(monarchy)在英国造成的社会撕裂。 欢迎留言告诉我们:你怎么看待英国的君主制的? 1


