

主播:Selah | Anne歌曲 :Ain't Nobody Like You前段时间,知名带货主播李佳琦直播时翻车了,我们看看外媒是怎么报道的。1. 外媒是怎么介绍李佳琦的?他是此前国内the most famous beauty livestreamer and influencer(顶级的美妆带货主播和网红)。他是a livestreaming “sales powerhouse”(直播带货的“销量王者”),他在销售方面是highly competent and effective(工作能力强而且还高效)。他曾经在a7-hour live streaming session(一次7个小时的直播)中,applied 380 lipsticks on his lips(在嘴上涂了380支口红),然后was nicknamed the Lipstick King of China(被称作中国的“口红一哥”)。在大家的心目中,李佳琦是authentic and trust-worthy(很真实,直言不讳,非常值得信任)。He’s not afraid to give candid reviews of top-brand beauty products.哪怕是对于顶级品牌的美容产品,他也能给出真实的评价。• authentic/ɔ:ˈθentɪk/ adj.真正的;可靠的• candid adj.率直的;公正的• top-brand 顶级品牌但是,李佳琦在最近的一次直播中,hemade some very controversial statements(说了一些有争议的话),他的这些话have sparked an uproar among Chinese netizens(在中国网友中引发了轩然大波)。• controversial /ˌkɑːntrəˈvɜːrʃ(ə)l/ adj.有争议的• uproar /ˈʌprɔ:r/ n.骚乱• spark an uproar 引起轩然大波2. 李佳琦直播翻车,外媒是怎么报道的呢?当李佳琦在直播中was promoting an eye pencil originally costing 79 RMB(推荐一支原价79元的眉笔)时,有一位观众complained that the product is too pricey(抱怨说这个产品太贵了),李佳琦chastised theviewer(怼了这位观众)。• promote /prəˈməʊt/ v.促进;促销• pricey /ˈpraɪsi/ adj.价格高的,昂贵的• chastise /tʃæˈstaɪz/ vt.严惩(某人)(尤指责打)关于“怼观众”的表达,有的新闻报道中还用了“he told off a viewer” 或者 “he slammed a viewer”。这两个表达在口语上会使用得比较多。李佳琦具体说了什么呢?Firstly, he said: “Expensive? The price has been the same for so many years. Don't talk blatant nonsense.” Don’t talk blatant nonsense.不要睁着眼睛乱说。Blatant指的是明目张胆的,公然的。He also said“It's difficult for domestic brands to survive.” 国货品牌还是很难的。• blatant /ˈbleɪt(ə)nt/ adj.公然的;明目张胆的• domestic brands 国货品牌After expressing sympathy(同情) for domestic brands,he told the viewer to “look for your own reasons” and to reflect “whether your salary has increased after so many years”(这么多年工资涨没涨).• salary /ˈsæləri/ n.薪金,工资• reflect /rɪˈflekt/ v.沉思• 涨工资 to increase one’s salary他还让这位观众reflect on “whether you have been working hard enough”(反思有没有努力工作)。So he is implying that the viewers are not applying themselves enough at work.所以他是在暗示观众在工作中还不够努力。• imply /ɪmˈplaɪ/ v.暗示• apply yourself at work 全身心投入工作李佳琦的不当言论,被看作是“a slight on ordinary working people from a snobbish and wealthy celebrity”(一个势利和富有的名人对普通工人的轻视)。• slight n.轻视• snobbish /ˈsnɑ:bɪʃ/ adj.势利眼的3. 网友们什么反应?李佳琦的这些话got the viewers so enraged(勃然大怒),并且,his “insensitive remarks” “triggered a heated discussion” on social media(在社交媒体上引发了激烈的讨论)。• enraged /ɪnˈreɪdʒd/ adj.暴怒的• insensitive /ɪnˈsensətɪv/adj.感觉迟钝的另一篇新闻报道中,是这样形容网友的愤怒的:“hell hath no fury than fans scorned”这个说法来自古英语。Hell是地狱,fury指的是怒火,hath就是现代英语里的has,scorn就是“轻视”,这里scorn用了被动。这句话的意思是:地狱里的烈火也抵不上受到愚弄的女人的怒火。其实这是外媒报道里玩的一个文字游戏,由此可见网友的愤怒程度。 “The deluge of criticism prompted Li to apologize”,网友们的批判就像洪水一样涌现迫使李佳琦道歉。• deluge洪水或者暴雨• a deluge of...大量的……• a deluge of praise 大量的赞美• a deluge of support 大量的支持、拥护李佳琦道歉说:I should never forget where I came from and shouldn’t lose myself. I have been doing soul-searching these two days, and I’m sorry to let everyone down.”• soul-searching 来自灵魂深处的反思但网友们对于李佳琦的道歉并不买账,the apology failed to calm his critics(这波道歉未能使他的批评者们平静下来)。“Li has lost supporters. His followers on Weibo, has fallen by 1.1 million since he made the comment.” 他的不当言论导致他疯狂掉粉。有网友说,“He forgot the hardships when he started, and forgot his original aspiration.”(他忘了他开始的艰难,忘了初心)。• aspiration /ˌæspəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ n.抱负,志向请留言告诉我们:你从外媒的报道中学到了哪些表达?


