

主播:Anne(中国)+ Maelle(法国) 歌曲:Ain't Nobody Like You 现在虽然很多人不会spend a lot of time posting WeChat moments(花很多时间发朋友圈),但却喜欢check what other people are posting on their WeChat moments(看其他人发的朋友圈)。今天的节目,我们聊一聊,在西方人的眼中,8 types ofWeChat posts that are commonly considered as annoying(8大烦人的朋友圈类型)。1. Oversharing过度分享Share是分享,overshare就是过度分享。有的人post too frequently(朋友圈更新太频繁) 或者 share every detail of one’s personal life(事无巨细地分享个人生活)。这种高频的分享can be quite overwhelming(让人招架不了)。• overwhelming /ˌoʊvərˈwelmɪŋ/ adj.压倒一切的2. Constant selfies经常发自拍Selfies就是自拍,constant是持续不断的, constant selfies就是经常性的自拍。Sharing selfies is common(分享自拍很常见),但是,an excessive number of them(太频繁的话),can come across as self-centered(会显得有点以自我为中心)。Don’toverdo it.如果一个人全部发的是close-up shots of their face(怼脸的那种自拍),it can be a bit too much。• excessive /ɪkˈsesɪv/ adj.过多的• come across as  给人的印象是……3. Posting a lot about their political views分享太多自己的政治观点时不时表达一下自己的见解没有关系,但是一旦it is very excessive(过度了),那就会有人觉得it is annoying(很烦人)。It feels overwhelming to have feeds with constant political content.看到朋友圈里不断有人在发政治内容,真的会让人觉得受不了。4. Oversharing extreme personal opinions过度分享偏激的个人观点朋友圈有一些人might share controversial opinions(可能会在朋友圈分享有争议性的观点),但他们并没有考虑the potential impact on others(可能会对别人造成的一些影响)。如果不考虑别人的感受就分享的话,很多人可能会觉得不太合适。5. To start or engage in drama in the comments在评论区跟人吵起来Drama在这里指的是一些很戏剧化的矛盾。在公开的评论区吵起来,真的会让人感觉pretty uneasy(让人很尴尬)。有了矛盾,最好是address issues privately(私下解决问题)。• address v.解决6. The person is still posting on social media, but ignores your messages.这个人明明还在发朋友圈,对你的消息却“已读不回”。这样做真的会让人心里犯嘀咕:What is going on?  怎么回事?Does he hate me or something? 他是讨厌我还是怎么回事?7. Bragging炫耀It’s definitely good to showcase your personal achievements(晒出你的个人成就没什么问题),大家可能会觉得good for you(你真棒),you work hard(你工作努力),you deserve it(你值得这个成就)。但是,如果你总是晒出你的possessions(你拥有的物品或者是财产),it may come across as bragging(就会显得像是在吹牛)。这有可能会trigger a sense of comparison(引发人们的攀比心),会有人觉得心理上不太平衡,因为some people may feel that they work just as hard(他们也很努力),but they don’t have the same possessions(但他们却没有取得和你一样的收获)。• brag v.吹嘘• showcase v.展示(优点)• trigger v.触发• possession /pəˈzeʃn/ n.所有物8. Constant complaining不断抱怨The person is using social media as an outlet for complaints or negativity.有人把社交媒体当做发泄怨气和负能量的一种途径。Some people also use this to find support and advice(有些人可能是以此来寻求支持和建议),但你不能post yourpersonal problems on social media(在社交媒体上公开你的个人问题),it’s better to keep somethings private,毕竟大多数人也没有办法对你遇到的困难感同身受。请留言告诉我们:国外网友总结的“八大烦人朋友圈类型”,你是否有同感?


