

主播:翩翩(中国)+ Maelle(法国) 歌曲:Smile(Avril Lavigne)今天又是关于self-development (自我成长),大部分人喜欢探讨self-development,大概因为我们所遭遇的一切,都在促进我们的自我探索,找到安顿好自己的方式。With 2023 coming to an end,又是回顾与思考的时候,what are some things that you have reflected on?Maelle在这一年,结束旅居澳洲的生活,回到法国处理研究生学业,9月份来到中国。不同国家的旅居生活与结交世界不同文化的朋友,让她觉得 ‘the way I think about things have changed.’同样,翩翩也总结说自己成熟了很多:my perspective(视角) on life has changed.“看事情的角度变得丰富了,我今年特别大的一个感触就是:很多事情没有 ‘真相’,只有角度。”关于成熟,国外网友总结了一个清单:6 laws of maturity(人成熟的6大标准)。一起来看看,how many do you currently practice? (你现在符合几条呢?)1. Stop telling people everything 别再啥都往外说 Most people don’t care, and some secretly want you to fail.不再啥事儿都给别人讲,因为没几个人care, 且其中不乏暗戳戳希望你成不了的人。所谓“闷声干大事”,“事不外泄”,重要的事情,不妨 keep it private(自己知道即可)。而且,you don’t need everyone’s opinion on what you are doing and explain yourself all the time。 成人世界里,是个人都想指点你一下。你的单纯分享,很快会变成大型“指点与解释”现场。至于社交场合冷场时,when nobody is talking ,首先,不要觉得冷场是自己的责任;其次,假如想说点什么来avoid silence,完全可以去问对方的近况,encouraging them to share about their own life。关于自己,不必overshare, 很多重要的事情,只需要你的 inner circle / close circle知道即可。2. Choose your friends wisely 智慧择友。The fastest way to become better is to surround yourself with better people.中国有一句话:物以类聚,人以群分。但是绝大多数人不知道,这8个字后面,还有非常非常关键的一句话。原文是“方以类聚,物以群分,吉凶生矣”:一个人接下来的走向是吉还是凶,从他最近交往什么朋友上,就能判断出来。所以,转运最快的方式,就是to surround yourself with better people。你需要的,不是to be surrounded by a lot of friends,而是 to have quality(高质量、好品质的) friends.  因为,人也有伪劣产品。3. Expect nothing, appreciate everything  少期盼,多感恩期盼是愤恨的前身。换一个方向: to appreciate everything.与其期盼未来的,不如享受现有的。主播Maelle分享自己今年新学到的就是享受“小确幸”,比如:getting coffee while reading a book in the sunenjoying a nice home cooked mealBe grateful for the little things in your life to find inner peace.感恩生活中“微小而确定的幸福感”,会帮助我们,找到 the inner peace。4.Do your best and trust the process 但行好事The harder you work, the luckier you get.越努力越幸运。西方人也相信“运”,而且东西方的常识是一致的:we need to create the space for the luck to come by working hard. (我们得通过努力,创造空间,让好运进来)。不要每天以浮沫填充,还指望拥有厚重的人生。Trust the process(相信过程)是英语中的一个短语,它其实是一种鼓励和提醒,类似于中国的“但行好事,莫问前程”,就是专注地、坚持做好真正有意义的事情,所谓的运气、机会、以及成就都会自然而然,水到渠成。5. Control yourself, not others 掌控自己,而非他人Controlling others is strength,controlling yourself is true power. 胜人者有力,自胜者强。Self discipline(自律)是最难的。《圣经》中说:治服己心的,强如取城。Maelle听播客学到了一个帮助自律的方法: the 5-second-rule, 比如:if your alarm goes off at 6AM and you don’t want to wake up, count to 5 and just wake up, no excuses and no time to think about it.• alarm:闹钟  • alarm goes off at 6AM:早上6点闹钟响• count to 5: 数到5      • no excuses:不找理由就给自己5秒钟的心理预备时间,不拖沓。大家可以一试,看看能否help with your self discipline。6. Learn to react less 学着少反应When you control your reaction, nobody can manipulate you.• manipulate: /məˈnɪpjuleɪt/ 操控、拿捏正如《甄嬛传》中,甄嬛对四阿哥弘历说:喜怒不形于色,心事勿让人知。因为如果情绪都在脸上的话,很容易让人拿捏,people can manipulate you。 Once you can do this, you can have the upper hand in many situations. 一旦学会,在很多情况下,你都可以占上风。• have the upper hand: 占上风,取得优势国外网友总结的6条成熟标准,how many do you currently practice? 你符合几条?欢迎留言告诉我们!


