

主播:梅莉 | 翩翩 歌曲 :Bana Ellerini Ver*更多节目配乐,请在“网易云音乐”搜索“一席英语-老外来了歌单”。今天要聊的话题是Imposter Syndrome(冒名顶替综合症)。Imposter冒名顶替者,syndrome综合症。冒名顶替综合症,这个名词听起来可能很陌生,但其实很多人可能都有这种症状!这是很普遍的一种心理现象。•   imposter /ɪmˈpɑstər/ n. 冒名顶替者•   syndrome/ˈsɪndroʊm/ n. 综合症有这种心理现象的人,即使在成就中也感到自己是个fraud(欺世盗名的人),觉得自己不配自己职位或成就。觉得自己不够好,认为sooner or later(迟早),everyone is going to find out(大家都会发现),并对此焦虑不安。•   fraud/frɔːd/ n. 骗子Most of us probably have told ourselves these things at one point in our life. 我们的大部分人,在人生中的某个时刻(at one point in our life),都会有过这种感觉。这就是Imposter Syndrome(冒名顶替综合症)。1. 具体什么症状?症状一:Imposter Syndrome is the feeling of self-doubt and personal incompetence that persists despite your education, experience and accomplishments.尽管你有学历、经验和成就,但你仍然感到自我怀疑和个人无能。•   incompetence /ɪnˈkɑːmpɪtəns/ n. 不胜任会觉得 success is due to luck(自己的成就是靠运气)或其他external factors(外在因素),rather than one's own efforts and talents(而不是凭自己的努力和才能)。症状二:容易被criticism(批评)、rejection(拒绝)或negativity(否定)所打击,即使只是normal feedback(正常的反馈)或正常的失败。症状三:跟别人比的话,老是feel inadequate(觉得自己不如别人),或者是feel not as outstanding as others(看到自己不如别人优秀),while ignoring one's own strengths and achievements(而忽略自己的长处和成就)。•   inadequate /ɪnˈkɑ:mpɪtəns/ adj. 信心不足的为了fight these feelings,就会努力工作或set very high standard for ourselves(给自己设立太大的目标),导致自己疲惫和焦虑。长此以往,this pressure we put on ourselves就会take a toll onyouremotional well-being(对情感健康造成负面影响)。•   toll n. 损坏而且,有这种心理现象的人,通常不相信自己可以成功,会因此放弃挑战自己的机会或be afraid to try new things(害怕尝试新事物)。2. 这种心理现象怎么产生的?原因一:Imposter feelings represent a conflict between your own self-perception and the way others perceive you.你对自己的认知与他人对你的看法之间是有冲突的。即便是有人赞美你的成就,你也会认为your success is good luck(你的成功来自好运)。你根本不相信,you earned them on your own(这是你的付出应得的),而且你会担忧other people will realize it。其实就是对自己缺乏一个客观的认知。原因二:对自我拥有过高的期望,不是真正的谦卑。会期望别人要努力十年才能达到的成就,自己一年就能达到。This kind of incorrect cognition can lead to anxiety and a feeling of not being good enough.这种不正确的认知会导致焦虑和一种不够好的感觉。•   cognition /kɑ:ɡˈnɪʃ(ə)n/ n. 认知;认识3. 缓解冒名顶替综合症的tips#Tip 1:To acknowledge these feelings. 要认知到这些感受。•   acknowledge /əkˈnɑːlɪdʒ/ v.承认;认可#Tip 2:Recognize your accomplishments and strengths, and focus on what you have achieved.认识到自己的成绩和优点,将注意力放在你已经取得的成就上。可以每天列一列,学着先欣赏自己,learning to appreciate yourself is so important!#Tip 3:To seek support. 要寻求支持。Communicate your feelings with others and gain support and advice from them.把你的感受说出来,寻求他们的支持与建议。Talking about it with our friends or family, even with co-workers.可以和朋友,家人或者同事倾诉。Usually when you open up to others they also will open up to you. This can help you feel like you are not alone. 通常,当你向别人敞开心扉时,他们也会向你敞开心扉。这可以帮助你觉得你并不孤单。而且在倾诉的过程中,你自己的智慧可能也会显现出来。#Tip 4:To build connections. 建立联系。People can offer guidance and support to you, validate your strengths and encourage you to grow. 人们可以为你提供指导和支持,肯定你的优势,并鼓励你成长。•   validate /ˈvælɪdeɪt/ vt. 确认;证实#Tip 5:Don’t compare yourself to others. 停止与别人比较。Everyone has unique abilities. 每个人都有非常独特的能力。You are where you are because someone recognized your talents and potential. 你所在的位置,不是你不配,而是因为就是有人、或者很多人认可你的才华,看到你的潜力。你所应当做的,就是拥有“当仁不让”的正气。#Tip 6:要明白,错误是人间常态,要承认错误,允许自己犯错误,并且让自己从错误中学习。It’s OK to need some time to learn something new. 我们都需要一些时间来学习一些新的东西。要明白,世界上没有完人,也没有“完美”这件事。Knowing that success doesn’t require perfection. Failing to achieve doesn’t make you a fraud. 要知道成功并不需要完美。做什么事没成功,并不代表你是一个 fraud(骗子)。人这一生都在修正自己,不完美是常态,完美了、圆满了就该大结局啦。Offering yourself kindness and compassion instead of judgment and self-doubt can help you maintain realistic perspective and motivate you to pursue healthy self-growth.给予自己善良和同情,而不是自我批评和自我怀疑,可以帮助你保持相对客观的视角,激励你追求健康的自我成长。希望这期节目,能够帮助到受“冒名顶替综合症”困扰的你。请留言告诉我们:对于今天的节目,你有什么想说的,或想分享的。


