

主播:Flora(中国)+Selah(美国)歌曲:Time To Shine最近,很流行一种说法:人生是旷课,人生是旷工。这种说法从何而来?这句话原话其实是“人生是旷野,不是轨道”(“Life is more of a wilderness than a track.”),它的意思是说人生的旅程不是沿着一条固定的轨道前行,而是像wilderness(旷野)一样充满了各种uncertainties and changes(不确定性和变化)。• wilderness /ˈwɪldərnəs/ n.未开发的地区,荒野• track /træk/ n.足迹,车辙;(铁路的)轨道• uncertainty /ʌnˈsɜːrt(ə)nti/ n.无把握;拿不定的事01. 何来旷野?人生像wilderness一样充满了各种uncertainties and changes。It compares life to a wilderness(将人生比作了旷野)because it does have a lot of uncertainties and infinite possibilities.• compare... to...将……比作……• infinite /ˈɪnfɪnət/ adj.无限的,无穷尽的• possibility /ˌpɑ:səˈbɪləti/ n.可能,可能性02. 何来轨道?It compares life to a track, because in China, society and families expect a lot from young people. 比如就家庭而言,一些家长希望他们的孩子能进入大学,之后按部就班地考公、考编或者考研。尽管可能很多孩子并不是很适合大学的教育,与之相比他们可能更适合从事技术类的工作。They could go straight to a trade school (职业学校)or start working full time. But there are a lot of expectations (期待) and pressure(压力).所以很多时候可能因为不想辜负那些的期待,很多年轻人从而选择了可能不是自己最喜欢的那条路。主播Selah认为,that sounds really sad,because you are signing up for a life you are living for someone else, not for yourself(因为你选择活在别人的期待里,而不是活出自己的人生)!主播Flora也认为,有些人花费了人生很多的时间,想到了让父母开心、家人开心,结果却没能做到让自己开心。• sign up注册;登记03.在美国,有没有类似的社会和家庭对年轻人的期待?其实,美国也是有一些societal and familial expectations(社会和家庭的期待),而且它们也会influence young people's life trajectories(人生轨迹). 但这些cultural norms and expectations也是受很多因素影响的,比如region(地区), socio-economic background(社会经济背景),ethnicity(种族特点),and individual family diversities(个人家庭的差异).• trajectory /trəˈdʒektəri/n. 轨迹;轨道线• norm /nɔ:rm/ n.社会准则,行为规范• ethnicity /eθˈnɪsəti/ n.种族渊源,种族特点• individual /ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl/ adj.个别的;个人的• diversity /daɪˈvɜ:rsəti/ n.多样性,多样化在考虑了这些因素之后,有没有一些对年轻人影响比较大的cultural norms and expectations呢?1. Some families may have specific career aspirations for their children.一些家庭可能会对他们的孩子有特定的职业期待。It depends on that family and what dreams they have for their kids.Sometimes they will want them to take on the family business (有的家庭会想让孩子继承家业) , others want them to do what they are doing(有些家庭让他们做自己想做的就可以), others just want them to do something that gives them the most money or freedom (还有些家庭希望自己的孩子能做一些薪资高而且比较自由的工作),like a doctor, engineer or lawyer (像医生、工程师和律师). • specific /spəˈsɪfɪk/ adj.明确的,具体的• aspiration /ˌæspəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ n.渴望,抱负,志向• depend on取决于• take on 承担;获得主播Flora表示非常可以理解这些职业期待,因为在中国,也有许多家长希望他们的孩子去从事一些特定的行业,比如医生、教师等等。她分享了自己的经历:During her college years,her mom expected her to become a teacher in a public school after graduation(当学校的老师). And then Flora’s mother had Flora prepare for the license exam (让她去准备资格证考试).Finally, she found that she cannot go against her heart to do something that she doesn’t like (她发现她没办法违背自己的内心去做自己不喜欢的事情).• go against不同意,违背Selah也分享了自己的看法:Not everyone is made for every profession! We all have different passions and talents for a reason (我们都在不同的方面有着不同的热情和天赋). It would not be good if all of us were doctors or all of us teachers.• passion /ˈpæʃ(ə)n/ n.激情,热情• talent /ˈtælənt/ n.天赋,才能2. They might expect their children to achieve certain milestones by certain ages.他们可能会期望他们的孩子在特定的年龄取得特定的里程碑。很多的美国年轻人差不多都是在18-19的时候pursue higher education(继续高等教育)。很多年轻人通常会在their early to mid-20s(20岁出头到25岁左右)的时候enter the workforce(开始工作),然后通常会在their mid to late 20s(25-30岁时)achieve financial independence(实现经济独立)。• pursue /pərˈsu:/ v.追求;继续• financial /faɪˈnænʃ(ə)l/ adj.财政的,金融的据说,美国的父母会在孩子18岁的时候separate their children from their own families(让孩子和自己分开),并且会ask them to provide for themselves(让他们自己养活自己)。但现在这种情况也变了,because it is getting very expensive to live on your own(一个人住成本非常高),more and more young people are having to live with their parents longer(越来越多的年轻人不得不延长跟父母住在一起的时间)。 • separate /ˈseprət/ v.(使)分离• provide /prəˈvaɪd/ v.供养,提供生计现在的就业压力和形势下,全球的年轻人都面临着很大的压力,经济独立确实是越来越难了,这是事实。因此,这些milestones的实现阶段其实是要不断随着时代的变化而变化的。Things are more fluid (易变的) and not as set in stone (不是一成不变的), much of it depends on what that person’s life situation is. 在一些人生阶段如果你没有完成一些相应的milestones,也没有关系。有一句话说的非常好“每个人都有自己的时区,一切都是最好的安排。”Everyone is running their own race, in their own time. They are in their time zone, and you are in yours (他们都在自己的时区,你也是). • fluid /ˈflu:ɪd/ adj.易变的,不稳定的• zone /zoʊn/ n.(有某特色或作用的)地区;时区In the US,after graduating high school,some will attend college and start their 4 year degrees at the age of 40 or even older (有人会在40岁以后再开始读大学).It’s very normal and nobody would think it’s weird.有些人会take a gap year,暂停学业或者工作,去旅行、看看这个世界,去探索一下whattheyare passionate about(他们热衷于做的事情)。• normal /ˈnɔ:rm(ə)l/ adj.正常的• gap n.(时间上的)间隔;空白• passionate /ˈpæʃənət/ adj.热诚的,狂热的04.人生是“旷野”和“轨道”的结合It can be scary to go off the track (偏离轨道), but also very rewarding and worth it. In the end, many people learn a lot and are very shaped by it (很受其影响). Life is an adventure worth embarking on (生命是值得一试的冒险活动)! 但是,如果你想去旅行的话也要考虑budget(预算),再次就业会不会有困难等等,可千万不要头脑一热,然后说走就走。• go off离开,离去• rewarding /rɪˈwɔ:rdɪŋ/ adj.值得的,有意义的• adventure /ədˈventʃər/ n.冒险(经历),奇遇• embark on开始(一段旅程或时间发生的事)人生的旷野可不是真的“旷工”和“旷课”。There is a level of preparation you have to do, even in a gap year.所以如果你想抱着“YOLO”(you only live once)的心态,“play hookey on life”对生活放任自流的话,真的要多思考一下了。• hookey /ˈhʊki/ n.(非正式)逃学,旷课之所以出现“人生是旷工”这种说法,是因为有人把当下的“difficult work”简单地定义为“track”(轨道),而把“unexplored unknown”(一些没有探索过的未知领域)叫做“wilderness”(旷野),把它当成心目中的理想国。然后不多加考虑就果断抛弃“轨道”去追寻“旷野”了,这恐怕是有一定风险的。比如,一些年轻人裸辞去旅行,想要寻找内心的那片“旷野”,旅程还没过半却发现自己的预算已经不足了。就算预算没问题的,回来再求职谋生,结果却发现自己再找不到像当初那份这么适合自己的工作了。People can always feel like the grass is greener on the other side (得不到的才是最好的).But there is always fun and difficulty to everything. Being in the wilderness of life is exciting but also unpredictable. A track can also be fun and wilderness can also be difficult.• unexplored /ˌʌnɪkˈsplɔːrd/ adj.未勘查过的;未经彻底研究(或探讨)的• unknown /ˌʌnˈnoʊn/ adj.未知的,未被确认的• unpredictable /ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəb(ə)l/ adj.无法预测的,不定的“旷野”和“轨道”之间其实也没有严格的界限,人生更多的时候是“旷野”和“轨道”的结合。人总能找到一条适合自己的道路,不管是哪一条,只要坚持走下去,都有可能行至开阔。请留言告诉我们:你是怎么看待“旷野”和“轨道”的呢?


