

主播:Wendi(中国)+Selah(美国)歌曲:I'm Coming Home近段时间,舞蹈“科目三”火遍全网。It is really popular! People are dancing it all over the internet. It’s insane(疯狂的)!1. “科目三”是什么?“科目三”本来是中国考驾照的一个科目,但是最近成了网上非常火的一个舞蹈。你会看到people dancing it all around the world(全世界都在跳),比如在the World Sports Grand Prix(世界体育舞蹈大赛)上,就有拉丁舞冠军跳了这个科目三,the Russian Royal Ballet(俄罗斯皇家芭蕾舞团)在中国演出的时候也跳了。当然还有全球其他大场合的表演。科目三isoriginally a driving test in China,这个舞蹈和“考试”有什么联系呢?有人解释说,it is originated from a wedding dance in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in China(它是起源于广西壮族自治区的一种婚礼上跳的舞蹈)。也有人说,这个舞蹈只是posted online by a man from Guangxi。还有人说,这个舞蹈之所以被叫“科目三”是因为dancing is one of the three tests people have to take so that they can legitimately call themselves a Guangxi person(这个舞蹈是人们为了合法地称自己是广西人而必须接受的三种测试之一),这就像是在你get your license之前,you need to take a driving test是一样的。这个解释真的是非常有趣。• legitimate/lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət/ adj.合法的2. “科目三”为什么那么火?#原因一:舞蹈动作简单,歌曲上头。The dance moves are very fun and catchy(很上头)!舞蹈动作非常有趣,很容易让人上头,而且也很容易学。科目三有几个很经典的动作,比如说,swinging knees sideways(向两边摇晃膝盖),a snappy hand action(快速的手部动作),比方说fast wrist-twisting moves(快速扭转手腕,也就是摇花手)。这些动作都很好上手,even if you are not a dancer, you can learn this dance!• swing v.使摆动• wrist n.手腕• twist v.扭动除了说这些动作比较让人上头之外,这个“科目三”的音乐也很catchy。Itsounds like a mix ofwestern disco beats and traditional Chinese folk song.它听起来像是西方迪斯科节奏和中国传统民歌的混合。#原因二:这个舞蹈是年轻人解压的好方式。It is a way for young people to express themselves freely.这是年轻人自由表达自己的一种方式。现代的年轻人都想要express themselves in unique and personal ways(以独特的、个人化的方式表达自己),而“科目三”就allows them to release stress from everyday life(让他们得以释放日常生活中压力),以及do something fun and different。• release stress 释放压力哪怕你自己不跳这个舞,单是watch someone else dance,你就会immediately feel happier。It is also a great opportunity for people to have community and share an experience with other people! 朋友们一般会组团来跳这个“科目三”,这样也不用在意别人的看法,不会尴尬。现在的年轻人,喜欢大胆表现,they wouldn’t set too much limits on themselves(不会给自己设定太多的限制),just let loose(随心所欲,放飞自我)。• let loose v.释放,不拘束而且,年轻人喜欢actively participating in things(参与),而不只是want to be bystanders(旁观者)。• bystander n.看热闹的人,旁观者#原因三:“科目三”符合短视频平台的传播。It is very suitable for short videoAPPs like TikTok or other social media platforms.这种又简单又上头的舞蹈现在很容易在TikTok或者抖音这些短视频软件上面火起来(to become a viral trend)。人们在短视频平台上看到其他人跳后,theywant to try it out for themselves,甚至还会make their own remixes of it(创造自己的版本),因为这个舞simple and easy to replicate(简单而且易于模仿)。• remix n.重新合成版• replicate /ˈreplɪkeɪt/ vt.复制总结一下,“科目三”在全球大火(has become popular overseas)是因为:People all around the world love dancing, love catchy music(喜欢洗脑的音乐), love trying new things, and love feeling connected to others(愿意和他人建立联系). It is agreat opportunity for all those things! “科目三”集全球人们的这些共同喜好于一身,自然大受欢迎。而且“科目三”也不是独属于某个舞种,it’s kind like a freestyle and a universal one, 所以每个人都能has their own space to create their own dance(有自由创作的空间)。Young people from various countries around the world can participate, explaining its global popularity.It brings people together(把人们联结到一起),而且有更多的人通过它了解到了中国的pop culture。3. 人们对“科目三”有什么评价?Overall, people have had a positive attitude(积极的态度).人们喜欢这种an upbeat dance(欢快的舞蹈)。• upbeat adj.积极乐观的;愉快的人们也喜欢透过这个舞蹈所展示出的Guangxi people’s passion and their optimistic attitude towards life(广西人民的热情及其对生活的乐观态度)。通过这个舞蹈,more and more people around the world get to know China。当然,也有人说,有些人只是follow suit(跟风),so they don’t enjoy it as much as other people do。But there are always different voices.但不管怎样,“科目三”has had an overwhelmingly good reception(受到了极大的欢迎),而且,它会continue to make people smile and laugh for years to come。• reception n.接待;欢迎现在有越来越多的人在跳“科目三”了,比如最近知名健身博主帕梅拉也跳了,很期待后面还会有哪些版本的“科目三”。你跳“科目三”了吗?欢迎大家留言分享你对“科目三”的想法。


