33. 抬槓|海外台灣人看台灣 Overseas Taiwanese: Jo


Jo shares about her thoughts on Taiwan as a Taiwanese living in the US for more than 20 years. 長期居住在美國、一樣熱愛台灣的Jo,來跟我聊聊她對台灣的看法。 PS, Sorry for the sound quality of this episode due to technical difficulties 因為技術上的問題這集音質不好,不好意思:( 初次收聽的朋友們可以先聽別集

**► Get Transcripts(includes time markers) and support Abby's work: **https://www.patreon.com/TalkTaiwaneseMandarin

► Website (All episodes & transcripts) : https://talktaiwanesemandarin.com

**(02:20) **當初如何移民到美國?

**(06:14) **台灣人應該要珍惜的權利:全民健保&言論自由

(11:16) 在台灣有濫用醫療資源的現象?

**(13:48) **給聽眾的話

**# **Reference & Resources

# 關於鄭南榕&言論自由日: http://www.nylon.org.tw

► Buy me a coffee to support me 請我喝杯咖啡 : https://ko-fi.com/abbychen 

► Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSoH-pm1Rto-1-ls5iKsQFg

► Follow Abby on Instagram: @TalkTaiwaneseMandarin

*Help me reach more people by giving me a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts 給我五顆星⭐: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/talk-taiwanese-mandarin-with-abby/id1528159735
Hosting provided by SoundOn

33. 抬槓|海外台灣人看台灣 Overseas Taiwanese: Jo

33. 抬槓|海外台灣人看台灣 Overseas Taiwanese: Jo
