這句英文怎麼說 #209 預算有限


🔥最新線上課程🔥 為了幫助你掌握對的語氣,學英文吧新課程「高EQ英文溝通術」, Duncan 帶你一起掌握在對的場合說對的話的訣竅。 課程現在 55 折優惠中,點進連結看更多吧~ https://lihi2.com/R77rF 結帳前記得輸入Podcast 聽眾專屬折扣碼 pheq200, 可以再折兩百元!!! 💡「預算有限」英文怎麼說? The budget is tight. 「預算有限」中文會說預算「吃緊」、手頭很「緊」,剛好英文也用 tight 來表達這種概念。 “We are on a tight budget.” “I’m on a budget.” "The budget is limited."(talking about business, expense) *limited 有限的 補充學習 縮減預算 cut/ reduce budget 預算寬裕 large/ flexible/ generous budget = We can spend a bit more freely. = We’re not on a tight budget. 增加預算 increase budget stretch budget 超出預算 over budget/ out of budget -tighten your belt/ purse-strings(縮合錢袋口的繩索) <→ loosen the purse-strings 情境對話 Duncan: Where do you want to go for the company trip this year? 今年員工旅行想去哪裡? Erskine: I’m thinking Iceland! We could see the Northern Lights, chill in the Blue Lagoon, and maybe even walk with reindeer. 想去冰島看極光,泡藍湖溫泉,再跟馴鹿一起散步。 Duncan: You’ve got a wild imagination, but our budget is really tight. 想像力無限,但我們預算有限。 Erskine: Such a buzzkill. Fine, I’m not going! 好掃興喔。那我不去了! Part 2. 文化閒聊 finance management 財務情況、理財 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

這句英文怎麼說 #209 預算有限

這句英文怎麼說 #209 預算有限
