這句英文怎麼說 #198 有夠牽強


「有夠牽強」英文怎麼說? 💡 That's a bit of a stretch./  That's a bit of a reach./ You are reaching. *stretch (n.) 延伸、伸展、過分離譜 -原本為伸展延伸的意思,而當我們說某件事情很「牽強」的時候,就代表這件事情已經延伸到不合理或超出邏輯的理解範圍內了,因此 stretch 也可以用來說明「牽強」的概念。 *You are reaching. -Saying that someone is "reaching" can also imply that they are trying too hard to make a point or to find a connection that may not really exist, or that they are exaggerating or overreaching in their claims. not convincing not believable far-fetchedfetch 拿來 get sth and bring it backexaggerated 補充學習 誇大其詞 exaggerate (v.) exaggerated (a.) 修飾;給…錦上添花 embellish eg. some TV series in Netflix 對(事情或問題)小題大做 blow out of proportion 情境對話 Erskine:Did you hear Sam's excuse for being late? 你有聽到 Sam 遲到的理由嗎? Duncan:Yeah, something about his dog eating his homework again? 有啊,說他的作業又被狗吃掉嘛? Erskine:That's what he said?! Seems a bit of a stretch, don't you think? 他真的這樣說!有夠牽強欸,對吧? Duncan:Definitely. Sounds like he's pulling our leg. 真的。聽起來在開玩笑欸。 文化閒聊 mental gymnastics為了讓某個觀點或行為看似合理或正當,而進行了過度的、甚至不合邏輯的推論和解釋。明明睡過頭而遲到,卻說是因為在路上救小貓小狗。產生其他想法或找其他理由來逃避自己應該做的事。(like defense mechanism.)「如果做不好怎麼辦?」、「我需要收到那封信才有辦法開始做事。」 “Mental gymnastics” happen when our brains spiral into destructive thought patterns—making up excuses or arguments for unjustifiable decisions or situations. In other words, they’re “all the thoughts that are within play to keep you from doing that exact thing you need to do,” psychotherapist Shemena Johnson, Psy.D., L.M.F.T., explains. “There is a wide gap between knowing what you want to do and actually doing it,” Teri D. Davis, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist, tells. “The phrase ‘If you knew better, you’d do better’ is the biggest lie ever told. Most people know what they need to do. But doing it is so much harder.” https://advice.theshineapp.com/articles/how-to-stop-your-mind-from-doing-mental-gymnastics/ 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

這句英文怎麼說 #198 有夠牽強

這句英文怎麼說 #198 有夠牽強
