這句英文怎麼說 #194 商信都是英為你 feat. Jeni


🔥最新線上課程🔥 你也常苦惱於不知道怎麼寫一封專業且不老套的商用 email 嗎? 學過的書信模板其實無法一體適用?寫信的眉眉角角你要知道! 想跟對方打好關係,建立商業合作你可以這樣寫! 詳細課程內容請參考 「瞬間強化!7大情境+AI,破解商用英文E-mail難題」 https://lihi2.com/PIuev Part 1. Introduction To start off, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into the field of business communication? 那來台灣最常被問哪些問題? 你是美國人嗎 你是老師嗎 敢吃臭豆腐嗎 結婚了沒== Part 2. Sharing work experience from a consultant in Germany to a marketing manager for a medical company in Taiwan分享與西方客戶合作和東方客戶合作的差異 Difference between collaboration with Western clients and Asian clients比方說台灣人談生意真的好愛應酬!一直喝酒甚至招待去旅遊?簽個合約搞得像在分手一直拖! 或是西方人講話真的太直接,我們亞洲人直接心碎,不是說好人情留一線日後好相見?講到合作,應該會很需要用email來往溝通,寫信的時候有沒有什麼是你覺得很有趣或是需要特別注意的地方?比如說:我真的好想離職,但我又想寫一封不傷害彼此關係的離職信outdated language-“I hope this email finds you well…” (depends on the relationship)Al tools- you can’t 100% trust it Part 3. Promoting online course Speaking of which, we’re excited to announce that we are collaborating with Jeni to launch a new business email course. Could you give our listeners a sneak peek into what they can expect from this course? 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

這句英文怎麼說 #194 商信都是英為你 feat. Jeni

這句英文怎麼說 #194 商信都是英為你 feat. Jeni
