這句英文怎麼說 #188 你免肖想啦!


一秒切換無情工商時間~ 「Ivy Engrest 數位訂閱制」使用折扣碼 ivybar300 可現折 300元 https://www.ivy.com.tw/member/forest_welcome 快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡你免肖想啦! You wish./ In your dreams./ Nice try./ Not a chance. “You wish.”-to indicate that what the other person wants or hopes for is unlikely to happen. eg. winning a lottery. 回應對方想做或希望的事情不太可能發生,例如中樂透。 eg. “One day I will marry Taylor Swift.” “Yeah, right. You wish.” “In your dreams.”-Similar to "You wish," this phrase is used to express that the idea or desire mentioned is unlikely to occur in reality. eg. someone saying they could easily beat a professional tennis player. 跟“You wish.”類似,例如有人說他可以輕易打敗專業的網球選手。 eg. I feel like this lottery ticket is a winner. “In your dreams.” “Nice try.”-to acknowledge that someone made a good attempts at something, but they failed. Or to point out that someone’s trick has been found and was not successful. eg. someone trying to steal more cookies and you catch them. 某人嘗試做某事或惡作劇結果失敗,被你抓到,你就可以說“Nice try.”,例如某人想偷你包包,或偷拿更多餅乾,但失敗被你抓到 “Not a chance.”- a straightforward expression to reject a a suggestion or idea, indicate that there’s no possibility of it happening. eg. someone asking if they could cut in front of you in a long line. 就是用來回絕對方的意見或想法,告訴他:「你別想了!」「不可能這樣做的!」「門都沒有」等於 “No way.” eg. Can I cut in front of you? Not a chance. "Not happening." "Not gonna happen." 補充學習 實際一點 Be realistic. 有可能 possible/ possibility 不可能 impossible/ impossibility 請別人幫忙 Do someone a favor./ I need a hand./ Give me a hand. 拒絕 reject/ turn down 情境對話 Erskine:Duncan, I need a hand. Could you pass me the broom and dustpan? 當肯,幫我個忙。可以幫我拿掃把跟畚箕過來嗎? Duncan:No pro, I’ll go get it. Here you are, the broom and dustpan. 沒問題,我去拿。來,掃把跟畚箕 benji。 Erskine:Now that you’ve got the broom and dustpan, why don’t you just help me clean up a bit? 既然你都拿了,那你就順便幫我打掃一下吧! Duncan:Not a chance. Do it yourself! 你免肖想啦!要掃自己掃! 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

這句英文怎麼說 #188 你免肖想啦!

這句英文怎麼說 #188 你免肖想啦!
