這句英文怎麼說 #187 只要我不尷尬,尷尬的就是別人


快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡 If I’m cool with it, it’s on them if they feel awkward / cringe. → 表達自信,不在意別人看法。 (you don’t need to worry how other ppl think) If…是假設句be cool with sth=to be happy to accept a situation or suggestion 樂於接受現在的狀態 / 建議New Jeans “cool with you” 意思就是『 和你在一起很開心 』awkward (adj.) 尷尬的it’s on sb 某人有責任(對某件事)/ not my concern / not my business-negative, directly deny sth 補充學習 cringe (口語)尷尬 / 原本是動詞(v) Taylor Swift “Learn to live alongside cringe. Cringe is unavoidable over a lifetime.” (學習和尷尬共存,人生無法避免尷尬)alongside (adv.) 在…旁邊 / 與…一起unavoidable (adj.) 無法避免的embarrassing (adj.) 尷尬的 / humiliating (adj) 羞辱的 cringe-worthy(adj.) (某人事物)令人難堪的 / cringe-inducing (adj.) 讓某人尷尬的… 💡 embarrassed / embarrassing / awkward 有什麼不一樣? embarrass-ed :ed 結尾,用來形容人的感受 embarrass-ing : ing 結尾,用來形容引起感受的事物. awkward : 形容人際之間關係的尷尬 情境對話 D: Hi, Eleanor... uh, what happened to your forehead? 嗨,Eleanor. 呃…你的額頭怎麼了 E:Hey, Duncan, let me tell you, I bumped into the door at the convenience store this morning. It was sooooo awkward. 誒誒當肯,跟你說,今天早上我撞到超商的玻璃門,超尷尬== D:Don't worry about it. If you're OK with it, it's on other people if they feel awkward. 沒事拉,如果你不尷尬,尷尬的就是別人。 E: I guess, but I think I won't go to that store again anytime soon. 是這樣沒錯,但我可能不會再去那間超商了。 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

這句英文怎麼說 #187 只要我不尷尬,尷尬的就是別人

這句英文怎麼說 #187 只要我不尷尬,尷尬的就是別人
