這句英文怎麼說 #175 什麼!James被甩了?


快速複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 💡What? James got dumped ? 補充學習分手:break up 例句:Was it a bad break up ?背著某人偷吃、給某人戴綠帽 cheat on sb(v.) I was dumped by Amanda. I shouldn’t have cheated on her. 我被 Amanda 甩了,我不應該背著她偷吃的。蠢蛋、爛人:jerk (n.) James is such a jerk. No wonder he gets dumped all the time. James 是一個爛人,難怪他老是被甩。to get over N 情境對話 Connie: What? James got dumped? 什麼?James被甩了? Duncan: Yeah, it happened just yesterday, completely unexpected. 對啊,昨天才發生的,完全是出乎意料的。 Connie: Oh no, that's tough. How's he holding up? 哦不,那真是不好受。他還好嗎? Duncan: He's feeling pretty upset. His head is all over the place. 他感覺相當難過。說話都語無倫次了。 Connie: Have you talked to him? 你跟他聊聊了嗎? Duncan: Not yet, but I plan to give him a call later. Maybe we can grab a drink and talk about it. 還沒有,但我打算晚點打電話給他。也許我們可以一起喝杯酒聊聊。 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

這句英文怎麼說 #175 什麼!James被甩了?

這句英文怎麼說 #175 什麼!James被甩了?
