這句英文怎麼說 #155 我快中暑了


一秒切換無情工商時間~ 「多益聽讀輕鬆GO」 https://lihi2.com/cCe0U 快速幫你複習一下這集的主題句 & 單字: 我快中暑了 I'm going to get heatstroke. I’m dying in this heat. 補充學習 脫水 dehydrated (多喝水)保持水分 stay hydrated 運動飲料 sports drink -gatorade 流了很多汗 to sweat a lot/ sweaty 擦汗 to wipe (away) sweat 消暑 cool off/ cool down 情境對話 Erskine:這個老街吃的東西好多喔!當肯你想吃什麼? There's so much to eat on this old street. Duncan, what do you want to eat? Duncan:我一點食慾都沒有。今天好熱,我快中暑了。 I haven’t got much of an appetite. It's too hot today, I’m dying in this heat.. Erskine:是嗎?真可惜,我本來打算今天要請客的。 Really? Oh, that's too bad. I was thinking of treating you today. Duncan:突然胃口大開了。那我要兩根香腸,三杯檸檬愛玉,再來個小火鍋好了。 Oh, I've suddenly got an appetite. Then, I'll have two sausages, three Lemon Aiyu Jelly and a mini hot pot. 小額贊助支持本節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: https://open.firstory.me/user/ckf6dwd77euw20897td87i5wj/comments Powered by Firstory Hosting

這句英文怎麼說 #155 我快中暑了

這句英文怎麼說 #155 我快中暑了
